<p>-High School Junior.
-Asian :( (unfortunately... I get lumped in with all the other kids who have been going to tutors every day of their lives since they were 3 and have been going to SAT boot camp since 7th grade... my parents are by no means "those" parents so I get all the downfalls of being Asian without that "extra boost").
-Semi-competitive HS in California
-Hopeful IB Diploma candidate?
-Low Income Family. First Generation college student. </p>
<p>Overall GPA:
-UW - 3.53 :(
-W - 4.13 </p>
<p>SAT Scores:
-CR - 690
-M - 700
-W - 650
-Overall - 2040.
<em>I plan on retaking this for a 2200 hopefully since my 2040 is from absolutely no prep</em></p>
<p>Freshman classes:
-Drawing Painting (grad req)- A
-Honors/"Pre-IB" Biology - A/A
-Dance (PE req) - A/B+
-Honors English I - B/B
-Honors Geometry - B/B
-Honors Non-western cultures (Pre-AP history class) - A/A
-Spanish I - A/A</p>
<p>Sophomore Classes:
-Algebra 2 - B/B
-AP European History - B/A & 4 on AP exam
-Honors English II - B/B
-Spanish 2 - A/A
-Honors/Pre-IB Chemistry - B/A
-Tennis - A
-Dance - A</p>
<p>Junior Classes (this year)
-AP/IB Psychology - A ("officially" an AP class so weighted to UCs)
-IB English HL 1 - B
-Honors Physics - B (MIGHT be changed to an A - have to talk to my counselor about this)
-Honors Pre-Calculus - B
-Spanish 3 - B
-Tennis - A</p>
<p>I plan on taking a CompSci course at my local community college this summer</p>
<p>Senior Year Schedule to come:
-Organic Biochemistry (VERY few high schools offer this)
-Marine Biology
-AP/IB Biology
-AP Calculus (IB Math studies SL)
-AP Government
-IB English HL2
-IB History of the Americas HL
-AP Spanish 4/IB Spanish SL</p>
<p>ECs (definitely lacking here)
-2 clubs, not an officer in either :P
-About 130 hours of Community service at the local hospital
-tennis sophomore & Junior year</p>
<p>Teacher recs should be really good since I've gotten pretty close to the two teachers that I'm planning to ask to write my recommendations and they both know me as an excellent student. If needed, counselor rec should be pretty decent since I've somewhat gotten to know her... though not truly STRONG. IDK about my essay yet...</p>
<p>Preferably in California. I'm looking for some good matches that I should look into so I can get a pretty good idea in what ballpark I should be looking... which UCs are matches? CSUs are safeties.. open to private schools.</p>