What's brown and sticky? (Chance thread for merit)

<p>Chance for EA.</p>

<p>GPA: 92.1/100 UW, but if Michigan recalculates (as I read here they still do?) then 3.77. Otherwise 3.73</p>

<p>SAT: 2340 (or 1540)</p>

Math 2: 790
Chemistry: 710
US History: 730</p>

<p>Seven APs taken. That's about the norm for top students here.</p>


<p>*Marching Band
- a LOT of awards here, including best major, best woodwind, etc. Too lazy to type everything out because earlier, I was typing a chance thread for twenty minutes and I click submit and it didn't work, all my work was gone and I was all "fml"
- Leadership positions: Drum major, Vice President, Section Leader (11th), Soloist (10th, 11th), Assistant Drum Major (11th)
- Instruments: Alto saxophone, baritone saxophone, some tenor on the side</p>

<p>*Indoor Drumline.
- Pretty much a winter marching band with only percussion instruments. No leadership positions because they aren't offered.
- Instruments: Snare drum, marimba, some guitar and bass on the side.</p>

<p>*Other musical activities.
- In the school wind ensemble, first chair baritone saxophone.
- Instruments I play that weren't mentioned already: soprano saxophone, clarinet.
- Performed publicly for gigs, churches, etc.</p>

<p>*UPenn Laboratory Research.
- Worked in the Environmental Lab for two summers as a technician assistant and focused primarily on the replication of DNA and its applications in a lab. Too lazy to type out the even better stuff that happened here.</p>

<p>*Science Club/Olympiad.
- Three years in science club, going for Olympiad this year if the officers don't mess it up for me AGAIN.</p>

- Several awards on first try in sophomore year, including a few Best Roleplays. Placed top 5 in SJ regionals, was a NJ States finalist.</p>

<p>Other ECs important to me that I didn't mention because I don't feel like it: Intermural Basketball, NaNoWriMo, Biomedical research summer program (at Penn), Interact Club, Volunteering at Chinese School, Student Alliance, being good looking.</p>

<p>Hooks: Sunk the Titanic
Killed Bin Laden
What's green and smells like bacon? Kermit the Frog.</p>

<p>*Honor Societies: Tri-M Honor Society (official induction this year), NHS</p>

<p>Recs: English and Chemistry. BTW it's so fun messing with my Chem teacher, I go in his room, cross out "AP Chemistry" written on the board, and write "AP Charms" or "AP Defense Against the Dark Arts". </p>

<p>Essays: Almost as good as Nutella. ALMOST.
For real though, I know for a fact that my essays hold a unique tone. It's not exactly funny, but it's straight from the heart.</p>

<p>Chance for merit aid? If so how much do you think it could be?</p>

<p>I can’t comment to your chances (there are people better qualified here to do that), but I wanted to address your title.
THIS IS MY FAVORITE JOKE EVER. I won’t ruin it by saying the answer though xD</p>

<p>Hahaha thanks for not spoiling.</p>

<p>And </p>



<p>Yeah I copied and pasted from my Michigan thread because I got lazy. Um sorry about that :/</p>

<p>dude, this is University of Miami, not University of Michigan</p>

<p>You’re 28 minutes late on that.</p>

<p>Gotta pull up that SAT or you’ll never get in.</p>

<p>But, really, unless you’re a convicted murderer or don’t submit an essay or your recommendations suggest that you’re going to go on a rampage, you’re in.</p>

<p>Probably with a singer or stamps invite. (A singer scholarship is full tuition, and a stamps scholarship is full tuition plus housing and a stipend, I believe.)</p>



<p>Damn. Caught me.</p>

<p>If I can get in Miami with full tuition covered, or at least a good amount of merit money, that would totally change everything, since I already have good vibes from the school. It’s a dream but I don’t want to count it out ^^</p>

<p>Any other thoughts though?</p>


<p>We don’t have charms or defense against the dark arts.</p>

<p>But, we do have a quidditch team!</p>
