<p>What I mean by that is what major/field of study is Dartmouth known for?</p>
<p>Pretty much everything. Dartmouth is known for having arguably one of the top few undergraduate educations in the country, a big reason for its incredible top graduate school placement stats and its having the most elite recruiters coming to campus after HYPSM.</p>
<p>The Dartmouth is known for would probably be econ. Many graduates go on to business school/Wall Street.</p>
<p>Dartmouth is also known for being generally kickass.</p>
<p>Does the M in HYPSM stand for MIT? I’ve never seen it abbreviated that way. </p>
<p>Based on collegeboard.com, most Dartmouthians are social science, (econ, history, etc.), focused, but the impression I get is that it’s generally “kickass,” as 'Nique put it.</p>
<p>languages and sciences are awesome too</p>
<p>and of course, native american studies.</p>
<p>animal house</p>
<p>Yet, there are those who love it.</p>
<p>It’s known for being the liberal arts ivy. It’s not a research U to the extent the others are so it’s a liberal arts college with much more research going on than most.</p>
<p>Dartmouth is a school where profs teach in general instead of researching and publishing. It is those areas that give schools the rep for top departments. At most schools with highly ranked departments, research and not teaching matter. At Dartmouth it’s the teaching that matters so that have solid profs in all areas they cover.</p>
<p>Going to Dartmouth is not about going to the highest ranked engineering or business program, it’s about getting an excellent broad liberal arts education.</p>