What's Madison known for?

<p>I know Madison is a more graduate focused school, but which majors at Madison are more well known/top ranked at Madison? Biology? CS?</p>

<p>I think mainly for their science programs.
That's mainly one of the reasons why I want to go here. :)</p>

<p>just science science like biology? Or stuff like computer science too?</p>

<p>Something like 70 undergrad programs were ranked in the top 10 by Gourman. Languages (around 65 are taught), all liberal arts you can name from astronomy to zoology. A wide array of biosciences. Physical sciences and chemistry. Ag sciences. Business, education and engineering. Everything is solid to excellent. I'd say the weakest are performing arts and they are not bad.</p>

<p>Comp Sci is Top 10.</p>

<p>Madison has a number of strengths and you would be wise to be more specific than simply looking at "biology" or "business". I can only speak for my narrow area but Madison is a world leader in biochemistry. Vitamin D was discovered there and many world leaders are in that dept at Madison. Bacteriology is another that includes some of the best in the world. Genetics is another dept that must rank in the very top against all other places. Obviously this is the place to be for any stem cell research. I have heard that the plant path dept is okay, but all land-grant universities are going to have that. The chemistry dept is middling. Zoology is a bit of a waste. The medical school depts vary depending on field though I know that the Pathology dept is strong. Beyond that, I couldn't really say.</p>

<p>Chemistry is ranked in the Top 10--hardly middling. Zoology also.</p>

<p>UW-Madison's undergraduate business school is ranked 13th in the nation overall , and 7th in the nation among public universities.</p>

<p>Lunch and cheese and dinner and cheese
Fall and cheese and winter and cheese
Chips and cheese and jerky and cheese
Nuts and cheese and turkey and cheese
Cheese with pies and peppers and peas
Snow and beer and cheese</p>

<p>Don't forget Fudge Bottom Pie from Memorial Union
(and cheese)</p>

<p>That fudge bottom pie is really good. If you do a google search, you can find the recipe.</p>