What's missing on my kid's college list -- uw4.0/SAT1570 [NJ resident, statistics]

I missed it


What about a school like GWU?

If the student would be happy at Rutgers there really is no need for a long list of likely and target schools (unless you are looking for merit). I would still add Pitt and Rochester.


Midsize targets you might consider on east coast - University of Rochester, University of Richmond, Lehigh, RPI, not all of these are urban, but your initial list is a bit confusing on that front - Case Western is not east coast, but urban and a likely if you show them love. Big question is why are UCs on the list if you prefer East Coast - that might help others suggest schools or you.

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And I’ll bluntly say - take Purdue off the list if the student wants urban and east coast - it’s a fine school, but really isolated and makes zero sense based on what you’ve said your student is interested in. We’ve known 2 students who’ve transferred due to the location. As I said - fine engineering school, but isolated.


Have you asked the counselor specifically what they think the student’s chances are at each school on the list, and if any are likelies or targets? You also should ask about rank, at least what decile: if your student is not in the top decile and your school only sends 5% to schools like your first four on your list, they are not likely to yield acceptances at any of those 4, especially since rigor may not quite be the max, barring something extraordinary on her record. So if that is the case you need a lot more targets or at least lower reaches.
However, if your student is in the top few kids in the class then a similar stat student could reasonably consider 3-4 schools on your list as targets (they would be targets with that resume at public magnets in our area, as long as a very high class rank, even with as you stated , 1-2 challenging APs skipped). Your counselor would know best , though!

Emory is a great idea. What about William&Mary? Not urban or very close to urban, but not rural either. It is an excellent school with an east coast predominant feel. If you are not absolutely bound to East coast, what about WashU?

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We can agree to disagree regarding worth.

But what happens if she doesn’t get into Rutgers honors? I know it’s likely based on your daughter’s stats, but it’s not a guarantee. Is she ok with Rutgers non-honors?


Yes, I was thinking Perdue is more of a safer option than Rutgers honors.


U of Richmond is not mid size (just over 3000 students which to me is small, but opinions may vary).

Thank you, it’s helpful, not sure why she has on her list, we didn’t visit the school, she thought it’s similar to Vandy

Typically top 30% of her school get into Rutgers honors every year (150 class size), top 70% get into Rutgers overall. She should be solid top 10%, likely top 5%. Counselor think it’s a safe bet. But I will ask her to reconsider adding maybe 1 or 2 more.

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Wash U. Emory. Rice. Miami (Fl). u Denver for a safety could be considered similar to Vandy.

Purdue is enormous. Several times the size of Vandy and nowhere near the big city.

More like a Penn State although the campus isn’t as sprawling.

Have you visited any schools?

I keep thinking Pitt.

@AustenNut is usually good at coming up with lists that would be good given characteristics given. So I see…urban, statistics, mid size and no cost considerations. Is that all correct?



What about Wake Forest? It’s a little bigger than Richmond (more students) and Winston-Salem might work for her (the school is not directly in the city).

Do not underestimate Pitt. It’s a great school with strong students, and it is urban.


Thank you, this is very helpful, she didn’t skip APs, but a couple of students had AP Chinese done outside school and also some chose multiple AP electives within one year (one each semester) such as AP economic(?), so they might have slightly higher weight GPA. My daughter maxed the AP classes that can fit into her schedule and didn’t do any AP outside. I will have her check the ranking, their school send around 10-15% to Ivys plus other selective schools every year. She is in that range, I feel her counselor is very optimistic, which actually makes me more nervous. : )

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Rochester has been mentioned several times, and it seems to me to hit the proverbial sweet spot as a match - terrific for STEM, terrific for research, terrific performing arts opportunities, urban-adjacent with great cultural life. Excellent for Asian studies/languages if she wants to continue with that; and the student population includes lots of Asian international students. She’d likely get some merit. CWRU also, but demonstrated interest is super important there so she’d have to put some effort into showing that it’s not just an afterthought. Emory is a great suggestion too - their Quantitative Theory & Methods department is top-notch.


Yes I’d envision she has a chance at your original list, including Penn but the overall list didn’t match what you initially defined.

Rutgers honors admits 500 out of a 10,000 freshman class, I do think the OP’s daughter has a good chance.

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Sorry about it, maybe she doesn’t have a strict criteria, we visited all schools on originally list except UNC, Purdue and UCs, she added UC because my in-laws live in LA and she loves the weather there. Again, nothing too defined I guess.

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With that clarification and your other post indicating she may even be top 5%, then UpennED may just work out! If not I think she will have more options than Rutgers based on the list of colleges you already have In your first post, but might as well add 1-2 more. Good luck!

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URochester and Wash U which have been mentioned upthread, both came to my mind immediately.

Hopefully Penn will work out.

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