What's missing on my kid's college list -- uw4.0/SAT1570 [NJ resident, statistics]

Thank you, fingers crossed. But I do agree with you guys she should add 1-2 safer schools, I would feel a bit better, Asian student pool is tough, I try not to keep high hope on far reach schools, but will let her try her luck. Thank you again for your input.


If she wants SoCal for the weather, why not apply to privates there? UC’s will cost nearly as much anyway. USC is the obvious urban one. The Claremont Colleges might appeal; and since she likes Barnard, Scripps has some similar attributes of offering a women’s-college experience within a larger co-ed setting. I’d call Scripps a match for her, with merit very possible, although their decisions are very individualized and hard to predict.


For CA…how about Santa Clara University?


Tufts? Boston College? Plus others mentioned above.

For the UCs, make sure she has completed all of her A-G requirements. OOS students often don’t have a year of visual and performing arts. I see that she has been involved in theater. Did she have it as a HS class?

I really do not see Purdue as similar to vanderbilt in really any critiera. If she is seeing a similarity there please post as it might help other see what she’s looking for

Yes she took 2 year digital arts classes in HS. Thank you. I do have a A-G question if you know anything about it, I would appreciate your input! She took one semester (half year) geometry in 7th grade and another one semester (half year) in 8th. When entering high school, she took placement test for geometry (offered to all freshman before school starts) and passed (for graduation requirement) and opt out geometry class in HS. Her counselor said she can put in a note in her UC application for her to explain she took one year geometry in middle school. Do you think this would be an issue?

She should be able to include them if they were high school level courses. There is a place to explain academics, but I’m not sure she would need to.

This video by UCSB covers the UC application for OOS students. Watch the entire video. The section where she discusses junior high grades is here.

Entire video:

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Another vote for WashU!


WUSTL (as I insist) was a big hit with my S24. The campus is great, and St Louis is close but it still has a nice cohesive feel, and is right across from an amazing park.

Definitely a great option to consider in addition to “the usual suspects” on the coasts.


As was mentioned, look at USC. She might also like Chapman.

If she wants So Cal weather, she would be looking at UCSD, UCI, UCLA and UCSB. UCR is inland and, like the Claremont Colleges, tends to be more hot and smoggy.

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CA is a very big state. The weather in San Diego is different than the weather in the Bay Area or LA.

So…what kind of weather does she like? The schools on the current list have weather that is all over the place!

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Carnegie Mellon? Medium size school in a city, with very extensive course offerings in the undergraduate statistics major. Your daughter looks like a strong applicant so shooting for high reputation schools with a strong stats department (including extensive undergraduate offerings) seems worth doing. Rutgers has a great international reputation and if the Honours College is a safety, that’s a great option, although they have fewer ug stats offerings.


I think your list is great. I do not belive that you need Emory or GWU. They do not make sence and not worth price sticker in your case for Statistics. One true safety and only reaches is absolutely fine in case of your daughter. We had identical approach and were absolutely fine.

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I think your daughter has a good chance at Upen and Princeton. She will get to UCs. She does not need to apply to 20 colleges, she will be fine.

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NC State? Well regarded Statistics program. Your D would be competitive for Honors and maybe a Parks scholarship.

Maybe a little larger than ideal but Honors can shrink large schools a little bit. NC has an 18% out of state enrollment cap but they don’t hit that. At least not when we visited for S20. Really liked Raleigh area.


If looking for mid-sized schools, preferably urban, with some strength in statistics departments (offering at least a Master’s in the subject) that would have a higher probability of acceptance than most of the schools on the current list, then these are a couple of options you may want to consider, some of which have already been mentioned:

  • Case Western (OH): About 5900 undergrads in Cleveland. Will need to show a lot of interest if she wants an acceptance
  • Lehigh (PA ): About 5600 undergrads in Bethlehem
  • Marquette (WI): About 7500 undergrads in Milwaukee
  • U. of Rochester (NY): About 6800 undergrads in Rochester
  • U. of St. Thomas (MN): About 5900 undergrads in St. Paul (Twin Cities)
  • Villanova (PA ): About 7k undergrads just outside of Philadelphia

I get what all CC people are doing here, but I get the OP since we used an identical approach. The only difference is that we had a budget, and this family can afford full pay. However, as difficult as it can be to understand for the most CC board the idea is very simple: it is the either local flagship for little money or shoot for the moon. There is no reason to pay for something in between (Emory, Lehigh, GWU etc.). It just does not make any sense. This girl has her safety with or without Honors (I can bet my head, she will get into Honors) at Rutgers. So she is “safe”. She has a perfect list. It is the list of only schools that she wants to attend, not the list created by good-wishing strangers. Looking at her list, she will make to some schools. Then her family will decide should she go or not. Being full pay and with her credentials, she will have a lot of choices.