<p>Is there anything that Cornell looks at extremely highly, like certain extra curriculars, essays, etc, that could possibly make them look over the rigor, or in my case lack of rigor, of ones secondary school record? (I go to a prestigious all girls school and will only be taking 3 AP classes in total, though my regular classes are considered honors classes since we don't offer honors). Is there something that current Cornellians believe helped them get in other than a stellar GPA, SAT/ACT scores, or rigorous course load?</p>
<p>It’s my understanding that cornell is very interested in having its students “fit” whatever program they apply for. Your EC’s, courseload, etc. should reflect this “fit.” This is very important, along with essays detailing why you “fit” in that particular field of study.</p>
<p>i wouldnt start worrying. there isnt a magic AP class number that guarantees you admission. i got into cornell ed with only 5. make sure you do really well in those 3 AP classes and you study as hard as you can for those tests. they can be used to grant you college credits (<a href=“http://www.admissions.cornell.edu/downloads/adv_placement_intl_credentials.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admissions.cornell.edu/downloads/adv_placement_intl_credentials.pdf</a>) that will be very useful to have. you should also be very passionate in what you are intending on studying, maybe have an internship or shadow a person in that field. use the essays to really explain why you want to major in XYZ.</p>