<p>Anyone know about this program or scholarship? They require you to write an essay for the voice of the future and they publish it in their book. it says they only pick 3% of the 5000 essays they get. is this legit?? or what? also do u think i should put this in my resume for college?</p>
<p>They do list previous winners so unless they are faking those and their essays, they sound legit.</p>
<p>Did u get an essay in ipod01?</p>
<p>Ipod01's post was from last April... </p>
<p>However, I got one in to the November 2007 deadline, if you like had any questions or something.</p>
<p>Just curious - what makes you think it is a scam? Because I was thinking the same thing.</p>
<p>The website doesn't really seem too professional, their publications seem a bit weird, but they give out so much in scholarship money...</p>
<p>Plus the past winners essays are sort of strange. Maybe the writing style is just really different from mine, but I found them really strangely written (one in particular, entitled 'The Tempest'). </p>
<p>I was wondering if they had certain political or religious affiliations or something??? (Or maybe I'm just paranoid!)</p>
<p>I am thinking of entering as well, but something seemed weird...</p>
<p>^^ I had similar uncertainty. I didn't quite know what to think when one of the winning essays that I read on their website spelled "Americans" as "American's." If anybody out there could provide some insight, that would be much appreciated. This seems to be a question that has persisted on CC for a while ( <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/search.php?searchid=10128615%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/search.php?searchid=10128615</a> ), with no clear answer.</p>
(10 characters)</p>
<p>Well.. I was "published" and I purchased the book for $21... I should get it by March or April. I'll return to this thread around then...</p>
<p>I got the book in the mail! Ha ha! I had completely given up on it, since it is past when they said they'd mail it. </p>
<p>It is relatively cheap looking, like a shiny version of my high school literary arts magazine. The other essays seem sketchy and poorly written. It's hard to imagine that "The selection process was long and rigorous. Those who have succeeded to be published are in the top five percent in the nation," as the back cover proclaims. It is also hard to imagine a real book would use the clunky phrase "those who have succeeded to be published" on the back. </p>
<p>I still don't know if this is a scam or not. I've got this book with my essay in it, but who else has this book? </p>
<p>For me it is worth the $21 to have my essay "published". I like to think that at least twenty other gullible high schoolers bought the book too, and maybe, just maybe they're reading my essay. And maybe it will change them. </p>
<p>Or maybe they'll brush it off as sketchy and poorly written. :)</p>
<p>I just got a letter saying that I'm going to be published, but I find out if I get the scholarship in a couple of weeks.</p>
<p>I think the best thing to do would be to just buy the book if you get the scholarship.</p>
<p>I've submitted stuff for their essay contests thrice but never won anything. </p>
<p>That being said, I've e-mailed them twice (once when I submitted an essay like, 5 minutes past the deadline, and once because their submission form wasn't working) and they've gotten back to me within 24 hours, in case that makes a difference.</p>
<p>And that's all I know!</p>