What's the earliest anyone has gotten EA results back??

<p>I'd like to know when I should start to freak out and camp out next to the mailbox.</p>

<p>was it dec 13? im not sure…</p>

<p>2 weeks is still way too long</p>

<p>They have always said they should be in our mailboxes on Dec. 15th; however, I think in past years they have been up to 1-2 days early. Also, letters are sometimes 1-2 days late; in that case, you can call the admissions office, and they will tell you the decision over the phone. That being said, I called the admissions office the other day, and they said they expect to send them out shortly. When I asked if that meant we would be getting them before the 15th, she said that is very unlikely.</p>

<p>so earliest the 13th in the mail, latest the 15th over the phone?</p>

<p>it’s so nerve wrecking! btw does GU offer merit scholarship to EA applicants?</p>


<p>10 char</p>

<p>GU does not offer any merit scholarships. Only financial aids.</p>

<p>what about all those scholarship opportunities offered by Alumnis? are they strictly need-based?</p>

<p>I have a question, what does “10 char” mean?</p>

<p>A post must have at least 10 characters in order to be posted. If you have a simple response like “yea” or “cool” you need to add something (like “10 char”) to complete the 10 character requirement. That is also why you see some “bump” posts with multiple periods at the end of them. lol</p>

<p>You can do your own digging in the different threads in years past. Two years ago, I sorta kinda think they got there’s a little bit early, with most arriving the 14th and 15th (but don’t quote me on that, you can go check yourself). Last year the letters generally came unusually late, partly due to the fact that the 16th was a Sunday. A very small handful of people got their’s on the 15th, while the bulk came on the 17th. I and a sizable minority got ours on the 18th. They started calling you to congratulate admitted applicants on the 18th or so.</p>

<p>As far as calling, I’m pretty sure you can’t call on the 15th. Things were odd for us with Sunday and all, but you probably have to wait until at least the 16th or 17th. Mario might know the answer to this one.</p>

<p>Also, be aware that internationals are told differently, via phone or e-mail, I forget which. So don’t freak out if you see a CC member or two post a decision earlier than most</p>

<p>Since the 15th is a Monday, and the USPS doesn’t operate on Sundays, I wonder if that will affect when we get our decisions.</p>

<p>I’m guessing they’ll send them out on Friday the 12th or Saturday the 13th, and since the 14th is a Sunday, a huge number of them will probably come in exactly on Monday the 15th. </p>

<p>I’m thinking that Maryland and Virginia area students might perhaps end up getting theirs on the 13th, though.</p>

<p>What about international ones?
I’m in Beijing and it seems that it would already be lucky if I can get it on the 18th or 20th.</p>

<p>Does GU have e-mail notification?</p>

<p>simpson, in years past MD and VA students have gotten them no earlier, I think a few cases actualy came two or more days later than everyone else.</p>

<p>E.Olsenka, I don’t know whether it’s by phone or e-mail (I think e-mail) but internationals are notified differently because of the communication gap.</p>

<p>Last year, the 15th was on a Saturday and I did not get mine until the following Monday. I live in PA.</p>

<p>ah i hope we get them early…I leave the 19th for vacation and im international…then again, i don’t want to get it like the day before i leave! ah okay i want to find out now so i can MOVE ON! ahah the sooner the better!</p>

<p>Gah…the wait is KILLING me…I just want to get it over with.</p>