<p>I haven’t heard anything from BC yet and everyone’s freaking out about this tab. What is it? I’m so confused! is the tab on the agora on in the mail?</p>
<p>Compare your Agora page with mine:</p>
<p><a href=“http://cesgta.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p3eOj7y2R-l-L7sZ9juMRXcDDj9eUcI9mWiPUiUm0JPlaooiMMusSSxOnuPUeJWW92RpoaKoL1YoFswh_ay4VOMj7ZqH59I1c/BCAgora.jpg[/url]”>http://cesgta.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p3eOj7y2R-l-L7sZ9juMRXcDDj9eUcI9mWiPUiUm0JPlaooiMMusSSxOnuPUeJWW92RpoaKoL1YoFswh_ay4VOMj7ZqH59I1c/BCAgora.jpg</a></p>
<p>Agora. Look at the “No tab=Rejection” thread and click on the link to see what your Agora should look like. If it looks like the one in the link, the consensus is that you’ve gotten in. If it is missing the Financial Aid Award Notification, it seems to mean you were either rejected or waitlisted.</p>
<p>thanks guys. I only have 5 tabs.
oh well…</p>