<p>“Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time” by Dava Sobel. It’s a good book to use if you want to put someone to sleep, though… Oh, and The Last of the Mohicans and Atonement were big bores, too.</p>
<p>Last of the Mohicans! It’s one of the few books where the movie was 8 million times better (Daniel Day-Lewis running shirtless through the forest . . . .)</p>
<p>I liked both The Adventures of Huck Finn and the Scarlet Letter.</p>
<p>Worst book? The Silver Branch for 7th grade academic decathlon was horrible. Pretty much gave up any chance for a medal in lit after reading the first chapter.</p>
<p>Lord of the Flies.</p>
<p>Oh yes anything by Hemingway sucks too all he writes about fishing, hunting, and war. BORING!</p>
<p>I have to say … Wuthering Heights. I think it was mostly the plot that annoyed me. I seriously hated almost all the characters and couldn’t sympathize with any of them.</p>
<p>I read Flatland when I was nine. It blew my mind.</p>
<p>“the life of pi” was horrible. it was summer reading for my 9th grade humanities class. a horribly boring start to a horribly boring year. </p>
<p>“ethan frome” (9th grade english) was so bad i actually couldn’t finish it. like i just couldn’t bring myself to finish reading the book.</p>
<p>and “flatland”! ugh. what a horrible book. apparently there’s a movie, but my class never got to see it.</p>
<p>The Color Purple.</p>
<p>Jeeesus Christ.</p>
<p>generallyrong, how could you hate Lord of the Flies?? That book was epic…
I hated the Color Purple, the Pearl, and Animal Farm.</p>
<p>Ellen Foster, I had to read it the summer before this year. It was worse than the Scarlet Letter.</p>
<p>gullivers travels=swift is a prick</p>
<p>The Giver was pretty bad.</p>
<p>Lord of the Flies
OMG!! hated that book with a passion
tg for sparknotes</p>
<p>“Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” -James Joyce</p>
<p>Great writer; boring read</p>
<p>The Giver, Animal Farm = godliness.</p>
<p>Crazy kids…</p>
<p>I like Animal Farm! 1984 is also good, but I’ve never read The Giver. I’ve heard of it though.</p>
<p>My AP Lit teacher had us read a few pages of The Dick & Jane Reader… I could feel my brain cells dying.</p>
<p>Twilight and all subsequent books of the series.
Eragon and all subsequent books of the series.</p>
<p>The Bible</p>
<p>Nuff Said</p>