What's the worst thing you could put on your Chicago application?

<p>"I applied because you guys have such a high acceptance rate and I need a safety just in case I don't get into Harvard. Either way, I plan to drink so much if I go to U of C and party every day. I heard that noone shows up to class and everyone has so much fun"</p>

<p>I'm an existentialist. I hear Chicago is the place where fun goes to die. It seems like a match.</p>

<p>Mike, my daughter's main essay to Chicago last year was her response to her self-created topic #5: "University of Chicago is often jokingly referred to, by its students, as “The Place Where Fun Comes to Die.” Here, now, is the story of how fun died."</p>

<p>It included this passage, in the form of a quote from a fictional eyewitness: "Fun slowly faded away. It is heart wrenching to see someone die as a result of sheer dejection. I implore you remaining students to get out while you still can!”</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted. Apparently, the Chicago ad com does have a sense of humor. :)</p>

<p>''simply because i got rejected from all the other universities''</p>

<p>calmom - that's hilarious.</p>

<p>The worst thing is obvious. In your essay you start out by saying:</p>

<p>"How's about I write page 342 of YOUR autobiography: 'After flunking out of medical school, Kermit Dowling decides to pursue a career in college admissions . . . .'"</p>

<p>LMFAO. Ok...that's it...that's the one I'm doing.</p>

<p>Haha. Don't do that, you may die.</p>

<p>Only if I find out I get into my rolling admissions college first...then I'd do it. :D</p>

<p>haha. ok do it. But send your application in a little package and attach a camera so I can watch the reaction.</p>

<p>When is the audition for the part ? I really like the musical ................................... I think this one is pretty lame.........</p>

<p>i love this thread!!! :)</p>