What's Theory of Knowledge Like?

<p>I've heard it's like a philosophy class and there's a lot of discussions.
Feel free to share your experiences.</p>

<p>We didn’t do as many discussions our first year because our class was quiet (our teacher was not happy), but a lot of our class was spent thinking and talking about the chapters in the TOK book. That book was awesome. It has a lot of cool questions and insight into why we can never know anything for certain because truth can be relative and out senses can’t be trusted and knowledge is always evolving and life is just complicated. It leaves you with some many questions about ethics and what is moral and what has no right answer and what just doesn’t matter. They changed TOK last year so I don’t know much about the new areas of knowledge; I hope they’re cool.</p>

<p>Plus, mentioning anything from your TOK class gets you instant smart points.
“Hey that reminds me: In my theory of knowledge class we…”
“Wait what, a theory of knowledge class?”

<p>I still remember one of my favorite questions: How do we know that the past exists? You’re kidding me, right? It doesn’t “exist” but of course it HAPPENED. But, did it, really? What if God created the universe 5 seconds ago, complete with memories and a fossil record and everything set up to make it look like we had context because He felt like skipping the beginning? You will never know for absolute certain. And if you don’t even know that the past exists you definitely can’t trust anything that your past experiences have taught you. Anything.</p>

<p>TOK class in my school is like our battlefield. Last year we had this controversial teacher who asked the strangest questions that well…always started a debate that went on for ages! It was really fun arguing and all but when we had to go to the actual theory, there were some days were it was really boring. But tok gets you thinking deeply about some things you wouldn’t even think twice about. It’s some really deep stuff!!</p>