What's this about Barron overpreparing?

<p>What does that mean, exactly? Does it mean that you won't do well because they prepare you so much, or that you're just wasting your time if you do all the subject reviews?</p>

<p>It'll be great if you take time to read all the material and understand them. You'll probably get 800 or near that score. But sometimes it gives you unnecessary stuff.. and studying things that's not gonna be on the test would be waste of time. And personally I think Barron's does a poor job presenting the material (paragraph after paragraph).. makes the subject just boring.. idk =)</p>

<p>they give much more information than is actually tested, and it could be harmful if you don't have much time. For example, the AP American Gov test prep from PR only has roughly 100 pages of information, while the same book from barrons has over 200...in smaller writing. PR covers everything you need to know, so you can see how barrons could be a problem</p>

<p>When I search for the Barron's Math Prep book on Amazon or B&N, they show one that was published in '03. Is there an updated version?</p>

<p>Probably not. But even if there is, doesn't matter. All the concepts are the same.</p>

<p>"And personally I think Barron's does a poor job presenting the material (paragraph after paragraph).. makes the subject just boring."</p>

<p>But if you're interested in the math IIC, I think they present the material quite well. It isn't too many paragraphs; it's just brief explanations, then examples, then sample exercises.</p>

<p>I used Barrons for the PSAT, especially for preparing for the CR section, and I felt that it did a unsatisfactory job of preparing me for the actual level of diffculty of the questions on the real test. Their practice tests were completely inconsistent with Collegeboard's own practice tests, and I personally feel like I got screwed over by using Barron's.</p>

<p>RELAX. The PSAT doesn't matter.</p>