What's with all the Earthquakes?

<p>6.3-magnitude</a> quake strikes Papua New Guinea - CNN.com</p>

<p>This year alone we had like 23 and the numbers have been increasing yearly, there was just an earthquake last week in China and a new one this morning in Papua New Guinea.</p>

<p>the world is ending. it’s all culminating towards December 21, 2012.</p>

<p>hahah, jk. ;)</p>

<p>[Earthquake</a> Facts and Statistics](<a href=“http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/year/eqstats.php]Earthquake”>http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/year/eqstats.php)</p>

<p>lol its funny you say that. But I wonder who came up with that 2012 stuff, cause we were supposed to die 10yrs ago in 2000, of course that was a lie.</p>

<p>I thought we would die or suffer due to our severe need of technology if Y2K happened.</p>

<p>Several thousand earthquakes occur each year - the only reason we are hearing about all these is because of the recent MAJOR earthquake in Hati. Our news outlets are now tuned to report any earthquake, no matter how small or insignificant. Normally if this was any other year, we wouldn’t even be hearing about any of these…</p>

<p>omg itz all 2012 omgz!!!</p>

<p>“I thought we would die or suffer due to our severe need of technology if Y2K happened.”</p>

<p>eh, same difference : P</p>

<p>& doesn’t the 2012 belief come from the mayan calendar or something? ;)</p>

<p>Let’s look into the future.</p>

<p>December 21, 2012 - a disaster. I just receive a B+ in Organic Chemistry. ■■■! :(</p>

<p>This is what i thought too until i read a recent article. Technically speaking, there are a lot of earthquakes that occur each year. But we believe there are more because of the media and where the earthquakes are at. If there was an earthquake in like antarctica (totally made up lol) , it’ll probably go unnoticed because it’s not a populous place.</p>



<p>Well the whole 2012 thing is based on the Mayan calender</p>



<p>End of time = fabric of universe collapsing =/= technological breakdown = fabric of society collapsing</p>

<p>Because the stupid media reports harmless earthquakes just because of the earthquake in Haiti.</p>

<p>“End of time = fabric of universe collapsing =/= technological breakdown = fabric of society collapsing”</p>

<p>really? & how long do you think that would last for? we’re so dependent on technology, half of us would probably off ourselves right off the bat if there ever was a technological break-down. once traffic lights & artificial lights are gone, it’s practically all over, man ;)</p>

<p>Indeed, hence the danger of nuclear testing outside the atmosphere.</p>

<p>Plate tetonics. Stress created and stress released.</p>

<p>One day, something’s going to go horribly wrong and a lot of people will freak out…</p>

<p>There are actually over a million earthquakes a year, but most of them are too slight for us to feel, and many of them are under the oceans. That link Jerrry posted shows 150 earthquakes a year with a magnitude of 6+. That’s about one every 2.5 days. These would all be felt if they were near a populated area, but again many of them are underwater. The bottom line is what DuckieStyle said – it’s not an unusual amount of activity, it’s an unusual amount of reporting.</p>

<p>“Several thousand earthquakes occur each year - the only reason we are hearing about all these is because of the recent MAJOR earthquake in Hati. Our news outlets are now tuned to report any earthquake, no matter how small or insignificant. Normally if this was any other year, we wouldn’t even be hearing about any of these…”</p>

<p>“This is what i thought too until i read a recent article. Technically speaking, there are a lot of earthquakes that occur each year. But we believe there are more because of the media and where the earthquakes are at. If there was an earthquake in like antarctica (totally made up lol) , it’ll probably go unnoticed because it’s not a populous place.”</p>

<p>These. But on the news the other day it said California earthquakes were stronger in intensity this year than previous years.</p>

<p>^That’s not too appeasing.</p>