Whats wrong?? Why have'nt i heard back yet???

<p>I applied to umich on 14th October.All materials were received by 29th October.</p>

<p>Details: </p>

<p>Nationality : Indian.International
Sex : Male</p>

<p>Stats : </p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Test</p>

<p>Highest SAT Reasoning : 2210 (660/750/800(cr/math/writing))</p>

<p>SAT Subject Test
Score : 2260 (770/760/730(phy/chem/math-IIc))</p>

<p>TOEFL : 112/120 iBt.</p>

<p>G.P.A : 4.0 unweighted. School does not rank.</p>

<p>Ec's : Lead Singer school band, student council member,president of the media club,decent quizzer,school prefect and various other ones!!!</p>

<p>Intended Major : Electrical & Computer Engineering Department.</p>

<p>When do you think will i hear back from them???Please help guys!!!
I really want to get my decision soon!!
Will i get in???</p>

<p>i applied around then and i haven’t heard back yet, either. don’t worry…they’ll get to us.</p>

<p>I applied middle September. Still nothing… I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>

<p>i applied on sep 25 , still no respond yet. And the state residency crap i turned in in September, still havent heard from that yet also.</p>

<p>Depends on regions.</p>

<p>thanks people for your replies!!!</p>

<p>ExarKun just so you know, it happened to me last year because I messed up and accidentally put OOS even though I was resident of the state of Michigan they take like 10 weeks to process the residency applications, you won’t hear back until late december/early january because of the residency application which holds up your actual application from being finished.</p>

<p>SS_2310 you are an international student so the applications take much longer than usual.</p>

<p>For the rest of you, if you live in the US and haven’t had a residency application problem or anything and haven’t heard from Michigan yet, I hate to break it to you but your chances of getting in are very slim. The majority of people that get into Michigan get in through the first two decision batches, and I think today/last night was the 2nd decision batch. December decisions are usually deferrals/rejections, although some people do get accepted.</p>

<p>thanks ramennoodles08…do you think i have chances of getting in???</p>

<p>It is not true that international students take longer to hear back. I am an intl student - I applied last year on 11/27 and was accepted 12/19. Another intl friend of mine heard back in 3 weeks’ time (also last year).</p>

<p>Its all very random.</p>

<p>Yeah I think you have a chance, and polydegenerate it’s different for different people you definitely make a good point though some international students receive their decisions on time, but some international students’ applications take longer.</p>

<p>ramennoodles08. Please reread your above post and see where you made an obviously insulting remark. Due to time of night you posted it, I’m certain that it wasn’t done deliberately. Freudian slips happen to all of us. :-)</p>

<p>Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be insulting, I’m going to have to say that I was tired and just posting from stream-of-consciousness.</p>

<p>Haha its fine.</p>

<p>Ramennoodles - I read what you posted about anyone who hasn’t heard yet having a slim chance of getting in. This is very distressing if true, since it means I have to prepare my daughter for some bad news. I was wondering how you know this information, and how sure you are that it’s accurate. She is in-state.</p>

<p>anyone know whens the next date they are sending out notifications?</p>

<p>Yes Ramen noodles, it is very very distressing indeed.</p>

<p>My application is still not marked as complete even though all the materials are in by me…they still need to mark them as received and should hopefully do it the next week. </p>

<p>So then, considering that timed period, what are my chances with a decent profile?</p>


Not really. The first batches of international admissions have been released. But don’t worry, they will get to you soon.</p>

<p>two weeks thrusday</p>

<p>“For the rest of you, if you live in the US and haven’t had a residency application problem or anything and haven’t heard from Michigan yet, I hate to break it to you but your chances of getting in are very slim. The majority of people that get into Michigan get in through the first two decision batches…”
What is the basis for this prediction? Do you know any facts that lead to this conclusion? Many highly qualified students are still waiting to hear from U of M. Seniors who are waiting to hear from schools are vulnerable and sensitive. I would hate to think that there are hundreds of kids now scrambling to submit additional apps or rethinking their college lists based on one rumor. If this turns out to be accurate, that is a different story, but still, such dramatic information should not be dispensed in haste and with apparent disregard for those still waiting to hear from U of M.</p>

<p>Agreed. How did you come about this conclusion? The admissions process is so arbitrary. Your assumption would mean that no one else should bother applying. The admissions counselor that came to my school said she had to review thousands of applications herself. Perhaps admissions just did not get to the applications of some students? I myself also know many qualified students who have not yet received responses and there could be multiple reasons for this. I don’t mean to ramble, but I too am very distressed if such a statement is true. UM is my reach.</p>

<p>Here’s my problem. I submitted all of my materials by October 31, except the test scores, because I took the ACT in October. UM received my test scores on the 19th (last week). When should I be getting a response if I am admitted? Does my application still qualify for early response?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the admissions process is indeed done strictly by region, and if so, what regions UM has already reviewed for? I live in northwest Ohio, 50 minutes from Ann Arbor specifically.</p>