What's your CAS Extended Project?

<p>I thought it could be fun to have a thread where current IB students can share their 50 hour extended projects and what they think of them, to help newer students with ideas and also just to check out what students around the globe are up to! Feel free to share yours below.</p>

<p>For my project, I've been student teaching at an elementary school - it's actually really enjoyable and I've been having fun getting to interact with kids. It's also pretty easy to write reflections for, so that's definitely a plus :)</p>

<p>I am about to finish a project called “Cupcakes for Chiari”. One of my friends has Chiari which is a brain malformation. We did “events” involving cupcakes which raised money for the Conquering Chiari Foundation. These events included bake sales and bake-offs. It’s been lots of fun and we’ve raised a decent chunk of money!</p>

<p>For my Extended project, me and a group of eight others are organizing a Cultural Fair for our school next year. It is still in the planning stages, but should be fun. We are raising money for UNICEF.</p>