Does your high school go by quarters, semesters, or what? Do you take different courses each semester, or full-year courses? What’s shown your transcript?
<p>Semester-blocked schedule. I take 4 classes per semester: a total of 8 per year, and a possible total of 32+ by the end of high school. Only the final grade is shown...Block scheduling is good in some repects, but bad in others. You have less homework, but less time to raise your grade (incase it is bad). Also, for some reason, they make AP classes at my school one block, year long. Also, with 8 classes a day for 1 year, you actually have more time in your class. (a study was done to prove this)...Oh, by the way, my school also has 9 week classes, which are usually extremely easy classes.</p>
<p>we have 4 quarters of 9 weeks. Some classes are semesters (like photography 1 and american literature), some classes are full-year but broken into semesters (pre-calc 1 and pre-calc 2, ap calc 1 and ap calc 2, anatomy 1 and anatomy 2) and others are full- year (ap english and us history). For 9th and 10th graders, you can have up to 8 classes, but only 7 credits can be counted per year, for 11th graders, you can get out 1 period early or come in one period late, and for 12th graders you only have to be there for 4 classes, and lunch is optional. Our transcripts show your cumalative gpa, your gpa for each year, each class you took with the possibly number of credits for each class, your letter grade for each semester and for the year, as well as your # of points (as in if you got had 6 1-credit classes and you got all A's and they were all reg. classes and you were a freshman you would have 24 points), your weighted rank, your sat, act, and ap scores and when and if you passed the 9th grade proficiency (or for 2007 and beyond the ohio graduation test)</p>
<p>Hey, you're from Ohio, too. Yea, those OGT's were pretty retarded...I like how they explained the grammar rules to you before they asked you the question on the writing</p>
<p>I'm a junior, but I took a field test last year, we got an exam exemption if we passed so I'm not complaining! And we got to come in 2 hours late to class!</p>
<p>lol, same for us for next year.</p>
<p>So you guys on the semester system don't get quarterly grades? Do you get mid-semester grades or what? I never knew there was anything but how my school does it!</p>
<p>We have mostly full year courses, 8 periods per day, courses meet every day but higher-lever sciences have double period labs once per week.</p>
<p>You get 4 quarter grades which average along with a midterm exam (after the second quarter) and a final exam (after the fourth quarter) to produce your year grade, which is shown on the transcript.</p>
<p>semester averages are done this way: .2% exam (either final or midterm depending on which semester), .4% each nine weeks</p>
<p>yearly averages: same way, divide by 2.</p>
<p>ap chem, bio and physics are double-blocked (2 days a week you have 1 period of that class, 2 days a week you have 2 periods of that class and fridays alternate between 1 period and 2 periods)</p>
<p>Well, I get quarterly grades, but they don't stay on your permanant record. (which is a good thing...believe me)</p>
<p>I know what you're saying blackbeltcdjunkie! If my quarter grades were on my transcript I could kiss my dreams of elite colleges away</p>
<p>me 2, lol.</p>