I would like to know when RD decisions for Emory are released (that is "date", and "time"). Also, how are they released, do we log-in to an account, or is it by email, or by snail mail.
<p>RD decisions come out on April 1.</p>
<p>As to specific time, it’s anybody’s guess. Typically, notification is done via OPUS (and perhaps an e-mail notification) and USPS mail.</p>
<p>Do we still not know how many people applied this year?</p>
<p>This number is kinda making me nervous.</p>
<p>If they haven’t released it, it’s only either because a) the number went down or b) the number went way up.</p>
<p>I hope it’s not the latter.</p>
<p>Could anyone who applied last year to Emory for Regular Decision tell me when they received their acceptance letter? I hear a bunch of schools mail them out in March…</p>
<p>search cc and you’ll find that letters were posted on opus last year starting March 22.</p>
<p>all right thank you!</p>
<p>hilsa - I don’t ever remember them releasing admission statistics until after all decisions are sent out (early April). Usually, they send a press release to the Wheel, the student newspaper. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.</p>
<p>I would guess that the number went down a little because they extended the deadline in January. I’m not sure why they would do that otherwise.</p>