<p>Year after year they keep saying "in 2 years" the Rodney and Dickinson housing will be torn down. And again I see on this forum someone saying this is the last year. I get that they make alot of money off those old dorms, but seriously where is any official word from UofD? </p>
<p>From the Building Planning Board Minutes from the end of 2012:</p>
<p>â—¾Phase I dorm project next to Harrington. Due to open in July 2013. Currently about 35% through construction. When completed, then Phase II (Rodney) will come down (in the next three-four years). Dickinson will probably stay, is not in as bad shape as Rodney, and will be used to hold students as other places are being renovated.
New project across from Perkins: Academy Street Diner and Residence Hall, will go into the quad area. Four story building with dining hall included; top three floors will be housing for students (303 beds). Due to begin late spring early summer 2013; due to be ready in July 2015. Russell Dining Hall will remain open, Kent will probably close.
Harrington Phase II of East Campus housing project. Next phase of Harrington renovation. Construction will start 2013 and building will be operational in 2015. Housing and including dining operation.</p>
<p>Phase I has been completed with the new dorms (Gilbert and Redding) opened in 2013.
Phase II: Anyone who has visited the campus has seen that the Academy Street Dorm and Dining Hall (seats almost 1200) building and the Harrington renovations are well underway and are scheduled to be done in 8/15. Rodney will then close. The final fate of Dickinson remains to be seen.
Phase III: A final dorm is planned (500 beds) in the south academy street area. I could not find any other specifics regarding the status of this.</p>