<p>I'm looking at CollegeBoard's "Academic Tracker" to look at how many years of each subject in high school is required or reccommended for admission into each college you're interested in. I'm a junior, but have to drop science after this year. I will have taken three years of science; two of those being in lab science. One college I'm looking at requires four years; another only requires three, but three in lab. </p>
<p>My academic stats are well above the averages and I meet all the other requirements. So I'm wondering if I'm to take CollegeBoard at face-value...as in, I shouldn't bother applying to those colleges since I don't meet their science requirements. Or, do they make exceptions? Will a college overlook a course not taken if they like the applicant enough? Am I placing too much faith in CollegeBoard?</p>
<p>I don't know if this matters, but I plan to major in musical theatre.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for any help you can give me! I tried doing a search and didn't come up with much; I apologize if I overlooked something.</p>