When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?


<p>It’s possible though not likely that your college will inquire about your college courses. Were they on the official transcript that your high school counselor submitted to your college? If so, then that will raise the odds than the question will come up at the college.</p>

<p>Your admission should not be rescinded for missing the exam to attend the preview day. However, it does seem weird that there wasn’t a make-up test available. Did you explore that option? I urge you to get your college professor (or another college official) to put in writing that you failed the exam due to not showing up on a specific date, confirming that a make-up test was not offered to you. </p>

<p>That way, if the college DOES inquire, you’ll be covered.</p>

<p>I am getting 1 A, 3 Bs, 1 C and a D for semester 2 grades. The D is in a class at a CC. The C is in AP Lit. But i was admitted with Cs on my transcript already during sophomore year. However, Ive never had a D. Could I be rescinded for this?</p>

<p>Hey guys, I would love if you can help me out a bit. I committed to UC Davis but I have a problem. I’m taking a calculus community college class this year along with my high school classes. I got a C- first semester and I have a D right now with just a final left, so I doubt I can bring it up. I told the admissions office about my potential D and they basically told me " you broke your conditions of admission by getting a C- (basically not receiving grades I’ve always gotten; I’ve never gotten a grade lower than a B before) but we have decided to keep your admission". The thing is I’m not worried about my C, were allowed to get a C, I’m worried about this semester! They didn’t say anything about that. Anyways, my GPA in my high school classes this year is a 4.2. Do you think I should contact them again or do you think I’m okay, I mean it’s a CC class and my a-g req are fulfilled, but they’re scaring me.</p>

<p>I’ve had three C’s (Anatomy and Physiology, and AP Chemistry), three A’s (AP US Government and Drumming), and 7 B’s (Humanities, French, Anatomy and Physiology, and Gov). Will I get rescinded at University of Washington?</p>

<p>I’ve recently been accepted to SDSU off the wait list, and stated that my overall gpa was 3.91 when it is really 3.83. All of the grades listed on the application were the same, I just got confused with calculating the grades with the CSU calculator because I did not know there was a limit that you could use for weighted grades. Will I get rescinded for this? Also if i end my senior year with a 3.6 will I get rescinded for not maintaining my GPA? And if they were to rescind me, how soon would they notify me, so i can make future adjustments to my educational path?</p>

<p>if you made a mistake, contact admissions before they see your transcript.</p>

<p>What about 4 Bs in APs, 2 As in non APs, and 1 C in AP Physics C-EM? I had mostly As in high school and have taken the hardest schedule in my school. Will I be rescinded from a top tier (near ivy level) school?</p>

<p>I got accepted by UNC. Before being admitted, I dropped a physical education course in March. I did not remember to report to the office of admission until I finished my final exam of this semester. I enrolled as a full time student at a community college and participated in the Honors Program. I ended up getting A’s in all of my 4 courses, but I just did not report that I dropped the PE course. Do you guys think I will get rescinded because of this? I already contacted to a lady in the office of admission at UNC. She said" It shouldnt be a problem…" but still required me to send them an explaination and I should wait for their official respond to my situation.</p>

<p>I am so worried about it.</p>

<p>kingko01-If the P.E. course was a requirement you needed to receive your high school diploma, then this could affect your high school graduation status and thus, in turn, your college admission. But if you have now graduated from high school–or are about to–in spite of the dropped gym class–then don’t worry about the gym class having any impact on your college admission. It won’t.</p>

<p>sally, thx. i am doing a college transfer, so it is not for graduation for high school diploma. I am still waiting for their official respond. Anyway, thx sally. :)</p>

<p>Well, the same rules should apply. If the P.E. class fills a requirement, then it could affect your UNC status. But, if not, neglecting to report the drop won’t hurt you.</p>

<p>Thanks! Sally. I will update when I receive an email from the office of admission.</p>

<p>Finally, I got the email from the office of Admission at UNC.</p>

<p>Dear XXXX,
Thank you for your email concerning your schedule change. This change will not impact your admissions decision. Please let us know if you have any further questions.</p>

Senior Assistant Director of Admissions
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill</p>

<p>This has been on my mind for weeks and all I do is worry about failing high school or having my acceptance taking back. All for failing math class. It isn’t algebra, geometry, nor Algebra 2. I passed all those. Upon learning that the college I’m going to, they said an advanced diploma is not needed. I really want to change back to standard, but I’m worried that it could be too late, and I will explain to my college admissions counselor about me failing math. I’m a senior in high school. What can I do to overcome this?</p>

<p>Taken* sorry about the typo.</p>

<p>I am about to fail AP Calculus BC. But my overall G.P.A won’t change much, and I have all A’s in other classes but two B… and I take 5 ap classes. I already been accepted to UGA. I am worried that they might rescind my acceptance. Should I contact them and ask? or don’t even mention to them at all?</p>

<p>xgedokid </p>

<p>You should contact them and tell them your issue. Also talk to your counselor.</p>

<p>Sally, my second semester grades are horrible. I really let things slip lately :/</p>

<p>I’m ending the year with something like… B, B, C, C, D, F</p>

<p>I’ve deposited at USC, and have contacted my regional admissions counselor and an assistant dean (who I talk to during an admitted students’ reception). I have really messed things up :/</p>

<p>Do you think I’ll get rescinded? If so, maybe I should consider alternative plans, as much as I love USC.</p>

<p>Yes, you might get rescinded. If you have any sort of legit reason for the slide (e.g., family death, illness or other significant problems), you should mention them to the regional rep.</p>

<p>But if it was basically garden-variety senioritis (perhaps coupled with a too-tough workload?), I suggest that you be proactive. Instead of waiting to have your acceptance rescinded (while keeping your fingers crossed that it won’t be), go to your regional rep and suggest alternatives. For instance, volunteer to start your first semester on academic probation so that a dean or other administrator will keep close watch on you. Suggest that you retake the “F” and “D” courses over the summer at a local high school, college, or online.</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice. I have already messaged the admissions department, and as soon as they reply, will suggest probation, remedial classes, or even a gap year. </p>

<p>As it stands, is it probable that I’ll be rescinded? I’m working as hard as I can to remove that F, but I don’t know how much help it’ll be… :/</p>