When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>I have no way of knowing for you if you’ll be rescinded. Once you hear back from the admission officers, you should have a better sense of where you stand. If you are proactive about alternatives, as you’ve said you will be, they could be receptive. As I said before, colleges really don’t want to lose students they’ve already snagged.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I am just very nervous about my current situation, and was sure I’d be rescinded/end up a hobo/get assaulted by rats/die alone in an alleyway.</p>

<p>:) Have a great summer.</p>

<p>You’re welcome, orangejuice2013. At least you still have your sense of humor. That will serve you well in the hobo jungle (along with a flashlight and a can opener) ;)</p>

<p>What do colleges mean when they say that their “offer of admission is contingent upon the successful completion of any coursework currently in progress”? what do they define as “successful” completion? Like D or better or C or better?</p>

<p>The wording is intentionally vague so that colleges can deal with students on a case-by-case basis. Typically, a student with one D will get a warning but not a rescinded acceptance. But this also depends on the overall GPA (i.e., if all or most grades plummeted) and if there were any extenuating circumstances to help explain the downturn.</p>

<p>My acceptance states that I must maintain my reported gpa. Is a drop of 3.9 to 3.6 a big drop? I have no Ds or Fs. Will I still get rescinded?</p>

<p>Sally can you answer my question please?</p>

<p>supremeeazn–While I can’t say for sure, it seems to me that it’s HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will have your acceptance rescinded. When colleges tell you, “Maintain your GPA,” they’re really saying, “Stay at least in the ballpark.” </p>

<p>As I’ve pointed out many times before, colleges do not want to revoke offers of admission. It’s a PITA for them. So they will only do so when the downturn is egregious. Yours certainly does not seem to be.</p>

<p>Sally, is going from mostly As first semester to 4 Bs in APs, 2 As in non APs, and 1 C in AP Physics C-EM second semester “staying in the ballpark”? I take the hardest schedule in my school. Will I be rescinded from a top tier (near ivy level) school?</p>



<p>Yeah. You won’t get the Cy Young award, but you’re still in the ballpark. ;)</p>

<p>I just received my final grade for Business Calculus, which is a C+. My other grades for this year are as follows: AP Latin B+/A- (grade still has to be finalized), AP Government B+, AP English B, Honors Physics B-, Art A, Legal Studies A, Gym A, and Philosophy A. I know my record is not impressive, but it is actually better than last year’s. </p>

<p>I have had somewhat of a rough year, with two deaths in my close extended family within five months, my friends drifting away from me for awhile, another traumatic (to me) incident that happened in March, and my innate anxiety haloed around math tests (and I guess life in general). I genuinely worked hard this semester, doing every homework assignment, taking thorough notes, and working individually with my teacher as much as possible. </p>

<p>Is this C+ enough to lose my spot at my college, which is a top-24 liberal arts college? I applied early and was surprised they accepted me. I am so excited to be going across the country into a pool of creative intellectualism, to be challenged and engaged by my classes, professors, and peers. I know I can’t fix it now, aside from contacting my college if you think I may be rescinded; but my conscience needs clearing.</p>



<p>At the most you’ll get a warning letter but I doubt even that. </p>

<p>Kindly let us know what happened, either way. It’s helpful to get a better sense of how colleges handle these things.</p>

<p>The same goes to all of the rest of you who have posted on this thread with concerns about being rescinded. Please tell us how it played out for you … and good luck!</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to University of Toronto and I’m super worried I’ll have my offer withdrawn.
I take the IB Diploma and was predicted 37/42 (No idea on extra bonus points)
I’ve gotten my high school diploma, and maintained my GPA. (I’m confident my lowest exam will be a 5)</p>

<p>However recently I was told that my TOK essay was suspected of malpractice. Basically there was one source that I did not cite and honestly, I’m thinking I will lose my IBDiploma</p>

<p>However, I will still get credit and the certificates for the 6 IB courses I’ve taken and so, technically I did not fail the IBD for academic reasons
I will have not failed my program requirements either and will most likely get credit for the HL courses.</p>

<p>In my case I failed IBD because of the EE/TOK/CAS aspect and not the overall 24-28 points…Should I contact UT first? Because I don’t even know IB’s decision until results are released and sent (July 16th)…</p>

<p>What will UT possibly do or say about my offer? HELP PLEASE</p>

<p>tarzanhyeri–Colleges take academic dishonesty far more seriously than they take a slight drop in grades. However, your first step should be to ask your school counselor how your TOK infraction will be treated. In other words, will your high school notify UT or send a final transcript that indicates that you did not receive the full IB diploma?</p>

<p>If so, then you should ask your counselor to advise you on how to proceed.</p>

<p>Here are my second semester grades.</p>

<p>Ap Calc AB - B-</p>

<p>Ap Lit - C+</p>

<p>Ap Physics - A</p>

<p>AP Psychology - B+</p>

<p>Chamber Choir - A</p>

<p>Ap Macroeconomics - D</p>

<p>i was accepted to university of rochester with merit aid. will i be rescinded? please help. I am very desperate and very very worried.</p>

<p>Need help please!!! Desperate!!!</p>

<p>Here are my second semester grades.</p>

<p>Ap Calc AB - B-</p>

<p>Ap Lit - C+</p>

<p>Ap Physics - A</p>

<p>AP Psychology - B+</p>

<p>Chamber Choir - A</p>

<p>Ap Macroeconomics - D</p>

<p>i was accepted to university of rochester with merit aid. will i be rescinded? please help. I am very desperate and very very worried.</p>

<p>perpetuallyworry–My best guest = you will get a warning letter</p>

<p>Hi Sally thanks for the reply. With the IB if I do lose the diploma, when the scores are sent digitally it just shows that I have not obtained my diploma. Scores for all 6 subjects will still be shown, however there is no reason or anything to show as to why the diploma is lost. My counselor had said originally to not contact UT because IB hasn’t reached a decision yet. I only know what happens the day when final scores are sent. (july 16th)</p>



<p>Given the fact that UT is huge and that your counselor doesn’t seem like s/he will be contacting the university, I recommend that you sit tight and wait to see what happens, which will probably be nothing.</p>

<p>But, in the meantime, this is what I suggest you do: Prepare an explanation of why you were accused of cheating. Show the segment of your TOK essay that did not include proper attribution, just in case UT officials do contact you about it. What I commonly find is that high school students are not taught properly about when and how to cite sources. Some cheat knowingly but many cheat inadvertently by taking others’ ideas and putting them into their own words. The line between plagiarizing and using others’ ideas to jump-start your own can be a very fine one. So if your “cheating” comes to light at UT but you can make a convincing case that it was inadvertent, you could be okay anyway.</p>

<p>Will I get rescinded to Michigan state with one D in AP Psychology. My gpa would not change much.</p>