When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>calresident–You’re between a rock and a hard place. You need to ask your school counselor to please contact UCSD on your behalf, to explain that your community college class was an extra commitment, not part of your high school curriculum, and that your school GPA is outstanding. You should not be penalized for challenging yourself, and the counselor should make it clear that UCSD should not revoke your acceptance because of this. Your counselor ought to be able to extract a promise that your acceptance is safe if s/he lobbies for you. You cannot submit two deposits, so make sure your counselor acts promptly so you’ll know where you stand well before the May 1 deadline. </p>

<p>Hi, I’ve been accepted to DePaul and committed yesterday. I want to drop a choir class at my high school, but will have to receive an F on my final transcript if I do, regardless of my current grade of a B. All of my other classes are B’s, and my choir director is making our entire class miserable. Would DePaul rescind my acceptance if I drop the class and have the F on my transcript? </p>

<p>Probably not a problem but since you’re definitely going to DePaul, you should ask an admission official there. (Best bet is to get it in writing … email is fine … or, if you speak to someone on the phone, make sure you get his or her name and title.)</p>

<p>if a person gets rescinded, we cant submit a later SIR to another school right? </p>

<p>I put on my applications that I’d be doing 1 credit of physics and 1 credit of a Environmental class. However, it turns out the environmental class is just a “lab” worth 0 credits and I may only be able to finish half the physics class, meaning I’d have 0.5 credits for it. I’m really worried this will be a game changer for the colleges that have accepted me…</p>

<p>You should tell the colleges about the changes but it’s very unlikely that any of this will affect your outcomes.</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone I’ve been admitted into UC Davis, Irvine, and UCSB, haven’t made my decision yet and I currently run the risk of getting 2 Cs this semester. Both are AP classes. One is AP Lit which is an A-G requirement however the other is AP Calc AB which I actually don’t need because I’ve already finished my A-G math requirements. I guess my question is, how bad is 2 Cs, and does it matter that one of them isn’t needed for my A-G requirements?</p>

<p>UC schools will rescind for grades BELOW a C, so you are probably okay. However, they will also rescind if the overall GPA takes a nosedive. My best guess is that, although 2 C’s won’t look great if your grades have always been better, you’re still going to be okay, especially because both C’s are in AP classes and one class is even an extra. </p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ … how much importance do the UC’s (mainly UCLA) place on predicted scores? Assuming my son was predicted a percentage score of like 95% but ends up with 85% in his finals(still above B in every subject in our education system), it should not affect his acceptance at UCLA much, would it?</p>

<p>I don’t think this will affect your son’s admission but why not ask UCLA? You’ll get a more accurate response (assuming you can get through to a live person, that is!)</p>

<p>Hi. How does a college find out about arrests, do they search for them or would police make the info available, r how? What about an accepted student under age 18 arrested for underage drinking or similar along with others at a party (no, it’s not me, I’m never invited.) Under age 18 in my state doesn’t go online or in the paper and is considered sealed, so would the college not find out? </p>

I have been accepted to Santa Clara University (private jesuit college) for engineering.
I applied via Early Action, and my unweighted GPA from 9th to 11th grade was 3.7, so in general, an average of A-.
My senior year grades have dropped, and I’m predicting that by the end of the school year, my overall unweighted GPA for senior year will be about 3.3, so pretty much a B+ average.
Furthermore, from 9th-11th grade, I had an average of B+ in Physics/Chem, but for the senior year semesters I’m pretty sure that C+ and B will show up on my final transcripts. </p>

<p>Should I be worried of having my application rescinded from the 0.4-GPA-point drop?
I suppose I might be a special case because I take 11 year-long courses (my school follows the French curriculum), 6 of them being Honors-level. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.</p>

<p>No, I can’t imagine that Santa Clara will revoke an acceptance for this. You could receive a “warning” letter but I doubt that, too. And the warning letters are just that … warnings … but by the time you get them, you’re already out of school, so there’s really nothing left to warn you about. All these letters mean is that, “Your grades dropped and we noticed.” But there’s no need to worry … assuming, of course, that you’re ready to hit the books again hard in the fall.</p>

<p>I have been accepted to the Health Science Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin. I have maintained good grades overall, A’s and B’s, but over the winter break I failed to complete the final exam for the online P.E. course. I am currently taking regular P.E. course because it is a required class to graduate, but the 0 in my transcript will stay as it is. I was wondering if my college would rescind me, or even the honors program, for the 0 for the online P.E. course. All of my other classes senior year have been great except for that failing grade. </p>

<p>You’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Hey Sally,</p>

<p>I have been an A/B Student throughout high school. I recently was accepted to Dartmouth College. I will probably get all B’s and 1 C my last semester of High School. Do you think Dartmouth will rescind their decision? I am very worried. The C will be in an Honors class, and I am taking 2 AP’s and 2 Honors classes.</p>

<p>It’s highly unlikely that Dartmouth would rescind with one C but you might get a warning letter. If you got into Dartmouth as an A/B student to begin with, I’m guessing that you offer something ELSE they want (athlete? minority? legacy? VIP? Geographic diversity?) If that’s the case, then the school won’t revoke your acceptance because of this downturn, assuming you don’t turn down even further than you’re estimating now.</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted as a transfer to UNC. Last semester, I had all A’s and A-'s. All of my classes are in the same range this semester, except for precalculus, in which I may end up with a D. It’s not related to my major, if that helps at all. I have had a lot of holes in my math education up to this point due to illness in middle and high school that resulted in a lot of missed school. I managed to pull it together somewhat for the SAT, but I had a 2.5-year gap in between the last class that prepared me for precalculus (not counting statistics senior year because it’s not the same sort of math) and this semester, and I managed to forget almost everything, especially the things I didn’t have a solid foundation in in the first place. All of that made this class very difficult for me. What are the chances my acceptance will get rescinded, and do I have a chance of successfully appealing it?</p>

<p>Hi Sally,
I was admitted to Claremont McKenna regular decision. I plan on majoring in economics there. On my senior transcript that they saw when reviewing my application, they saw a mixture of A’s/A-'s and 2 B’s (In Physics and Calculus). Worst case scenario, 2 of the A’s will dip into the B+ range while the 2 B’s will drop into the C+ range. I was accepted purely based on my application. I had no connections and was not recruited there. Is my acceptance in jeopardy? Again, this is worst case scenario. I have yet to talk to any of my teachers regarding a potential revoke in my acceptance and I still have opportunities to better my grades as it is still early in the trimester. Thanks!</p>

<p>Not particularly worried, but my parents flipped out at me today and I don’t know much about admissions so I would like some sort of answer on this. I was admitted to Northwestern RD with a 3.7 high school GPA, although I’ve maintained a B+ average for the past two years. The worst case scenario for my second semester this year is two Cs, one in Honors French and one in AP Stats. The rest of my grades will be in the A/B range. I’m working hard to get those up, but if I fail at doing so, what might happen? </p>