When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>I’ve been looking through CC and I can’t find anything on reasons to rescind IB students’ acceptances. I’m an international IBer admitted to UPenn this fall, and I’m predicted a 42/45 on the finals. Is there a minimum score required by unis to accept IB Diploma candidates? Do they receive the final IB transcript at all or is it only required if the student wants placement credit?
Thank you so much :slight_smile: it’s nearly impossible to find info on IB grades, so your response is really appreciated! </p>

<h1>1. General preemptive strike statement: If you are an A/B student in general, and you get a couple C’s on a final report card, colleges will not be happy about it and you may receive a warning letter, but colleges really HATE to rescind acceptances (it screws up THEIR plans almost as much as it screws up yours). So it’s highly unlikely that anyone will lose an acceptance due to an uncustomary C or even two.</h1>

<h1>2. Re IB students: High school counselors often do send final IB results without a special request, but this will vary tremendously from high school to high school. There is not a minimum score required but some colleges will rescind an acceptance if the actual score is far off from the predicted one. However, there is a lot of wiggle room when it comes to defining “far off.” As I said above, colleges don’t like to rescind applications.</h1>

<p>I’ve been admitted to UC Irvine and sent in my SIR. Unfortunately, I have picked up a severe case of senioritis in my 2nd semester and I am likely going to end up with a D in in AP Chemistry. Will the university rescind my admission just for a single D or will they send some sort of warning? </p>

<p>I applied to Northeastern early action and got into their honors college. When I started out, I pushed myself to the point where I was going crazy in order to maintain my grades and not let the them drop, or drop a class (which my guidance counselor did not recommend), however now I regret the decision because I couldn’t keep up that level of work and my grades have been deteriorating. </p>

<p>My grades over time: </p>

<p>1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter</p>

<p>96 90 90
90 97 86
82 82 85
97 85 73
92 80 78
97 96 95
90 85 23</p>

<p>The 23 was because I wanted to drop the class and thought I could but it was way too late for that.
I know I can bring up all of my grades, but regardless of how much I try to bring up that fourth quarter grade for AP Psych (the one with the 23), I’ll still have an awfully low grade. Would this get me rescinded?
A 90, 85, and an 23 average together gives me about a 66, and I know I can bring this up at least a little bit, but either way, it’d be a D or and F, right? Our school doesn’t give letter grades so now I’m just very confused about what’s going to happen. </p>

<p>Admissions couldn’t help me since my admissions counselor is on vacation, but one person did manage to tell me that 2 D’s or 1 F could be grounds for rescinding acceptance. What do I do? And what exactly is an F? Would me having numbers grades make me look even worse?</p>

<p>I am about to submit my SIR to UC Santa Cruz, but due to my overwhelming struggle with severe depression, my grades have been slipping this year (Senior Year). I had a C in my Statistics AP class in the first semester’s completion, but the second semester will probably be a D. As of my first semester, my weighted GPA was a 4.20. I am also thoroughly involved in performing arts, officer of a few clubs, leader of the tenor section in my choir, etc…</p>

<p>My fear is that UC Santa Cruz will rescind my admission, and if they do, I don’t what I will do with my life, since going to Santa Cruz was going to actually turn things around for me. I am in therapy for my depression, and would have been sooner had my insurance covered it sooner. Sadly, we are among the many poor families who depend on ObamaCare, and also among the many who had incredible trouble attempting to get the website working (though we were lucky to have lived in CA and only had to use MediCal). I’m very grateful for my coverage, but had I managed to get it sooner, I could have been in therapy for the depression sooner, and my grades would have been better.</p>

<p>Now then, does anyone know the likelihood of me not getting rescinded? I am a Computer Science major, and already took Algebra I H, Geometry H, Algebra II H, and Math Analysis CP. So I will definitely have the three required passing math grades in my transcript.</p>

<p>If I hypothetically “failed” my AP exams (as in received like 2s on them), yet I attained As and Bs in their respective AP courses, would I get rescinded? </p>

<p>@justicebeans I’m sure that AP test results don’t factor in whatsoever into the criteria for rescinding acceptance, so you shouldn’t worry at all. I had the same worries before lol</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you for your patient and considered responses to our collective anxiety during this all too stressful process.
My son was admitted ED to a to an ivy league college. Senior year, apart from 4 APs in core classes (plus 2 regular level classes) he was also doing AP Physics C mechanics and AP Physics C elec&mag as online courses. The online course does not appear on his HS transcript but he did send in the separate transcript mid year. Now it seems as though he will not have time to complete the C2 E&M part of the course. His grades in all his other subjects remain consistent with his app.
My question is this: How important is this information to his application and to his decision? Do we need to inform the college at this point? He feels its not so critical since he has also completed AP physics B in the past, but of course I’m nervous having the college think of this as misrepresentation and rescind. He is an engineering major, and has taken other relevant math and science classes through HS.
Thank you very much for your help.</p>



<p>My vote would be to inform the college since there MAY be an expectation of a final grade (if the admission staff members are truly on the ball) but with the expectation that this will have NO impact on your son’s acceptance. I really can’t see that this will affect your son’s outcome. So congrats to him on what must have been a stellar high school career and best wishes for the future.</p>

<p>Thank you for the help and your kind words. I have always followed your responses to different questions and find your advice very balanced, thoughtful and clear, amidst all the craziness that is college admissions. Thanks again :)</p>

<p>Hi! I’m most likely going to receive a D in my AP Calc AB class. However, my second semester grades in my other classes, except AP Calc and Econ, have improved. Will I be rescinded from UCSD? Is there anything I can do to prevent from getting rescinded? Thank you.</p>

<p>1st semester grades:
AP Calc AB- C
AP Lit - B
AP Gov -B
AP MIcro - B
Elective - A
Psych - A</p>

<p>2nd Semester grades:
AP Calc- D
AP Lit - A-
AP Gov- A
AP Macro - B
Elective- A
Psych- A</p>

<p>I have also previously emailed them, and this was their response:</p>

<p>Thank you for your inquiry. Once an official final transcript is received the Office of Admissions will conduct a final evaluation of your application. You may withdraw from the course if you wish. </p>


<p>UC San Diego</p>

<p>Does this mean that I should drop the course, or just receive a D?</p>

<p>Hello, I got accepted to Cal Poly Pomona, I sent them a transcript in February(2014) as requested by them. Last semester I got 3 A’s and 1 F/W. They still accepted me anyway, but my question is will I get rescinded for not following my course planned in my application? In the application it says I will be taking Calc 3, Biology, Speech, and Physics, But since I had to retake Calc 3 and Physics being full, I had to take Calc 2, Biology, Speech, and Geography, With my current grades, I’m expecting to have 3 A’s and 1 B this semester. I’m just worried about my course planned isn’t what I’m Currently taking and get rescinded. But I’m also thinking that they should know what classes I’m currently taking since I sent them a transcript a month after the current semester started. And since they were also okay with an F/W from last semester. Any thoughts?</p>


<p>You should be fine, leonards. </p>

<p>Hello, I am an international IBer, and I recently got accepted into Bentley University for Finance. I got a predicted of 37/42 points, and as my IB exams start on May 5th 2014, I could not prepare and study for the exams since last two and a half weeks. Now I am worried that I might not be able to reach my predicted score in the final IB exams. When i estimated what my final IB score may be it comes up to 31 to 32. Is this a huge drop and what is the acceptable drop which Bentley University allows? Will the office of admissions directly revoke my acceptance or will they call me and ask for the explanation? Please suggest me what to do now? </p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>Continued —> sorry I forgot to mention that I could not study for the exams due to health condition (headache and high fever). Thank you.</p>

<p>Welp, time to bite the bullet and ask I guess. </p>

<p>Would receiving 3 or 4 C’s second semester senior year for a semester GPA of 3.0 (or 3.125) be grounds for rescission from a state flagship? Should I let them know of this severe downward trend in advance? The projected C’s are in AP Calculus AB, AP Physics B, and AP Computer Science. All my classes are AP’s this year, except for a research course. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>Hi, I was recently accepted to and committed to the University of Oregon with a 3.4 gpa and a 30 on my act. This semester i decided to not care about my economics and AP spanish class and am getting a C in both of those. Im pretty sure i can get both of them up to a B (hopefully) but i am actually struggling in my AP statistics class and could possibly receive a D in the class. I have been going to a tutor and asking the teacher for as much help as I can get but i dont know if can get it up to a C. Ive been very worried about getting rescinded so ive researched it and have not seen any accounts of a student getting rescinded from oregon for grades like this but im not sure. Does anyone know if getting these grades could get me rescinded from U of O? </p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>never mind.</p>

<p>My student is a senior in high school he is accepted to the University of Calfornia Riverside, but recently my wife returned from India and got really sick, I was unable to take care of her that much, because my business would undergo issues and may drop down, but I have my son take care of her. I just realized that with the amount of work load a student has in IB I may have caused him to not be able to attend UCR. He has a D in IB Biology HL2, and a D in AP CALC BC. Although he is well over the amount of credits needed to graduate will he get rescinded?
Also his GPA is 2.8 weighted and 2.1 unweighted, what are his chances?</p>