When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Normally a D would mean that a student’s acceptance to a UC school is rescinded. I suggest that you ask his counselor to explain the extenuating circumstances to college admission officials. It may not help … but it might. Good luck.</p>

<p>Hello, I am an international IBer, and I recently got accepted into Bentley University for Finance. I got a predicted of 37/42 points, and as my IB final exams start on May 5th 2014, I could not prepare and study for the exams since last two and a half weeks due to my health problem (headache and high fever). Now I am worried that I might not be able to reach my predicted score in the final IB exams. When i estimated what my final IB score may be it comes up to 31 to 32. Is this a huge drop and what is the acceptable drop which Bentley University allows? Will the office of admissions directly revoke my acceptance or will they call me and ask for the explanation? Please suggest me what to do now?</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>



<p>It is unlikely that Bentley will revoke your acceptance but this is a question for Bentley. If you folks out there are worried about rescinded acceptances, contact the college directly. I realize that you may be thinking, “Well, gee, if I don’t bring it up, they may not notice.” But, if the dip is extreme enough to necessitate a rescinded acceptance, then they WILL notice, but they will probably do it when it’s way too late for you to make other plans. So if your concerns are keeping you up at night, get in touch with the admission office directly. And good luck!</p>

<p>Yes, I did contact a student representative of Bentley. He told me he was predicted a 39/45 and finally got 33/45 and he told me that he did not face any problem with the admission committee. Considering his scores how much drop is acceptable do you think in my case please help me, thank you.</p>

<p>As I said before, I really don’t know what Bentley will consider acceptable. If I had fifty bucks to gamble on this, I’d bet that you’ll be fine. But it would be just a guess.</p>

<p>Hello, I have a question that I really need an answer to. I got accepted to UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UCSD. Im a local CC transfer to UCSD and I would like to attend there. I got a bit cocky this semester and took on 20 units on top of working close to full time (roughly 34-36 hours). I was actually managing just fine, but both my bio professor (online class) and my Chem professor who tested us on material that we : 1. did not cover in lecture or lab. 2. tested on material that was beyond the scope of the chapters in the syllabus ( ex. chapters 5-9 on syllabus, but tested on chapters 5-10). </p>

<p>I dropped the bio class when my profesor was not responding to my emails, and as she had no office hours on campus, I could not reach her. Chem was just an awful mess, really, no one was passing this professor’s exams( not even biochem and chem majors) and he would let us retake them for make ups for partial credit. I dropped because I began to think about how that would not be possible in a final (dropped course with a mid B).</p>

<p>Anyways, sorry for the looong post but I am freaking out since I SIR’d to UCSD but I will be missing a couple of prereqs. I still do currently have 3 A’s and 1 B in my courses, all of which are also prereqs. Will UCSD rescind my admission even though I may be able to take them with different professors over the summer? Thanks, and sorry again for the essay</p>

<p>:)) </p>

<p>I’m an IB diploma candidate and I am also very nervous about my grades dropping significantly for the real IB exams from my predicted grades. I was admitted into Stanford. I am not getting credit for any of my classes, so will they even ask for my IB grades? If they do, what is the likelihood of them rescinding my offer if I have pretty legitimate reasons for doing poorly on the final exams or not receiving my diploma?</p>

<p>Hi, I was accepted to an accelerated medical program near m , in an avg in-state college. I had pretty decent grades, definitely two C math grades in my earlier high school yrs though. This year very likely I’m going to finish out with a mid-high C in AP Biology and high C, maybe low B in calculus</p>

<p>Will I be ok? I’m incredibly frightened of getting my application rescinded </p>

<p>I’m very scared to contact the admissions :frowning: </p>

<p>Hello, I was accepted RD to Washington University in St. Louis as a Biology major.
First semester Senior year, my grades were mostly As except for three Bs in AP classes. This semester, the B’s dropped to C’s, and one of my A’s dropped to a high B (that I have a ~70% chance of getting back to an A).</p>

<p>What will happen?</p>

<p>Hi, I was accepted to Northwestern University this year. I have been taking a large course load of about 7 AP courses per semester, and while my previous semesters my unweighted GPA has been a 3.9, with at most 1 B per semester, this semester I am anticipating getting 3-4 As, 3-4 Bs, and maybe a C. What are my chances of getting rescinded or having a warning letter sent home?</p>



<p>Neither is likely, given your heavy course load. But if you DO get a warning letter, it’s not a big deal.</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Ma’am, I am international student from India. I was accepted at UCLA and UT Austin and with permission from both, I deposited at both of them. I had a 92% in my tenth and a 66.33% in my 11th (I changed my educational board). I suffered from a bad case of malaria during my 12th board exams and now I am looking at 60+ score in 12th too.
When I contacted UCLA, they said they were expecting me to get 80%+ and that I would have to report changes. UT didn’t specify the marks but asked to maintain a “B average”. (which is about 45-59 in our board).
What chance do I have of not getting rescinded from either?</p>

<p>Background: SAT:2180, ACT:35
Courses: Physics, chemistry, biology. English, Geography. IT</p>

<p>Clearly, you will be fine at Texas, and I would be shocked if UCLA did anything.</p>

<p>Hi I was accepted into U of I general studies. I got in with a 4.9 on a 6 point GPA scale and an act score of 30. Usually my grades were a couple As Bs and Cs per semester. Last semester, I got 1A, 1B, 2Cs and 1D. This semester, I will most likely get 1A, 3Bs, 2Cs, and 1D. Do you think my admission at U of I will get revoked? I have taken nearly all honors and APs throughout high school, and am currently taking all honors and APs this year.</p>

<p>Hello, I am currently taking a full IB course in high school. I intend to go to UC Merced with the additions that I have already submitted my SIR there and have also made payments for housing. However, that is somewhat aside the point. As of right now, I am in a rather precarious position. Amongst my seven classes I have one D, IB Chemistry in particular. Aside from that, I have all A’s and B’s in the rest of my IB classes. I fear that I may finish with a D. To put it bluntly, would Merced rescind my acceptance? Rather than wait for them to find out, I decided to take a direct approach and submitted it online with honest remarks as it was suggested. However, my anxiousness is overwhelming me and I am unsure about what I should do. Of course I am trying to raise my grade, but the end of the year is approaching, and I have little time left to spare. Throughout high school I have only taken honors, IB, and Ap classes if this information would be of any use. Thank you.</p>

<p>CyanStrawberry–Can you ask your high school guidance counselor to call Merced and plead your case for you?</p>

<p>Hello everyone, </p>

<p>Can someone please shed some light on my scenario, I have been freaking out everyday for the past week worrying if my college acceptance will be rescinded.</p>

<p>I apologize in advance for the length of my situation</p>

<p>So I am a senior currently attending military school and after applying to TU, they asked for my senior year grades which was an 83.65 (2.8) avg. with my freshman to junior year avg being a 82.34 avg (2.7). I was waitlisted and heard back from them in late April (When third quarter was coming to an end) and they accepted me. Unfortunately my grades after I got waitlisted (assuming I got declined because of the history of very little % of people getting off of the waitlist last year at TU) dropped significantly. The 2nd quarter was a 73.86 (1.9) and the 3rd 69.5 (1.3). This was also due to a major injury. I had in the foot, taking meds also made me depressed and made it difficult for me to focus on school. However, after finding about my acceptance from the waitlist in the beginning of 4th quarter I got my 4th quarter grades to a 86.32 (3.2). I calculated it all and it looks like I will have around a 2.5 (final senior year gpa) from a 2.7 (gpa I got accepted with). Would this be considered a slight drop in grades or will my acceptance be revoked. The paper I recovered from the school said, “you are responsible for maintains the gpa under which you originally admitted”, but a lot of people tell me that they do not mind a slight slip. Is this true?</p>

<p>Also I got a 3 day suspension regarding pornography in the middle of the year (after applied but before acceptance) and returned to school without any disciplinary orders or any actions as I learned my lesson from my actions and improved significantly as noted by several of my teachers.</p>

<p>Will the college see my suspension, and if so, will the revoke my acceptance.</p>

<p>Thank you,

<p>Talk to your counselor. Find out if your suspension will be reported to the university. The combination of the suspension and the drop in grades might be problematic. Another factor that could affect your fate will be the composition of the individual grades that led to your 2.5 GPA. If top grades in gym or health or culinary arts are what’s keeping your GPA afloat while you took a nosedive to D’s in academic subjects, you’ll be in more hot water than if you got B’s and C’s in tough AP classes. </p>

<p>So I found out that the suspension will not show. One of the Ds I received came from a gym class while the other was a rigorous class. Also does it matter if I got accepted in April, because after I received the letter of acceptance, my grades shot up. </p>

<p>It’s more grades, that tests. When your grades start dropping, colleges usually send a notification or “warning” that they can and will drop you if poor grades cointinue.</p>