When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Don’t sweat an exam grade. While a few colleges (e.g., the UC system) may rescind for a D as a final course grade, most will just send a warning letter for a D in a course grade (if there aren’t multiple D’s), and I’ve never heard of a school rescinding an acceptance for a D in just the final exam.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I applied for an out of state public school. My final transcript is 2As, 1B, 1C, and 1D in a pre calc class that is an extra year of math. I got a C- in that class first semester. Is there a big chance my acceptance would be revoked? </p>

<p>It depends where you plan to enroll. A UC (University of CA) school will rescind for just one D, but most schools won’t. Call your college’s admission office and ask about the policy there. It’s most likely that you will get a warning letter, or maybe nothing. If you do get a warning letter, be prepared to write back and explain your slip.</p>

<p>I have been accepted at UC SC for fall. I got all C’s in final semester. My previous weighted GPA was 3.0 and now it is 2.89. Will they rescind my admission. </p>

<p>Hi! I’m in a similar sitch with someone from an earlier post, but I don’t think his issue was resolved. I got accepted to a special pharmacy program, reasonably competitive, instate and my grades were decent enough, I’ve had some Bs and Cs, but my Chem and Calc final grades are high Cs right now, possibly able to be moved a point or two up but not sure.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, I read your previous reply, but I don’t know if that applies to specific program acceptances? Sorry again, really, but I’m just not getting any sleep over this and I feel like my future is just in stasis with me not knowing how everything is going to work out, even after I’ve gotten accepted. </p>

<p>Will my acceptance to my program be revoked? </p>

<p>@g4college14–UCSC cancels admission for grades below C or for a GPA that is very inconsistent with past performance. Your final GPA is not as good as your past performance but I don’t think it’s dropped so low that your acceptance will be canceled. But it’s hard to say for sure without seeing your whole transcript and to have a sense of how your senior year compares with your junior year. My best guess, however, is that you’ll be okay.</p>

<p>@malcolmftucker: You should be fine with your pharmacy program too. It’s the D’s and F’s you really have to worry about.</p>

<p>Hi there, so I and three other friends were found smoking marijuana at our boarding school three days before graduation. We got our diplomas, and are even still alum at the school, but we could not walk with our class. Do you think a top 20 university will revoke acceptance because of this? Also I got a pretty hefty scholarship, will this affect the scholarship? We weren’t expelled and we didn’t even withdraw, we just weren’t allowed to walk with our class. Also, I would just have to notify the school myself of the incident, not the school.</p>

<p>@medlamax-This is a question for your boarding school’s college counselor. You need to know how the school will be handling the infraction. High schools are SUPPOSED to report all infractions of this sort to colleges, but some high schools do not, claiming it violates their own privacy policy. Obviously, if your school doesn’t report the episode, then you’re free and clear (albeit nervous and guilty) because YOU won’t be getting any additional application forms from your college asking you about disciplinary action, so the college folks aren’t likely to find out (unless some disgruntled parent with a kid on the waiting list blows the whistle on you). :-? (Colleges typically do not respond to “tattling” from outsiders, but sometimes this sort of report will spur the admission folks to take a look at what the report has claimed.)</p>

<p>But if your school WILL BE reporting the episode, then it’s possible that your college will rescind your acceptance, but this really depends on the individual college and its policies. Some will rescind and some won’t. Chances are good that you’ll get a warning letter but nothing worse, but I have no way of knowing how your particular college will react. If the college IS notified of the incident and does not rescind the acceptance, then it’s highly unlikely that they will rescind the scholarship, if it’s a need-based scholarship. If, however, it’s a merit scholarship, then this, too, would be left to the discretion of the college and could go either way. </p>

<p>I got admitted to Binghamton University with a transcript of A’s.Unfortunately, in my final exam I received C1 in Mathematics section but secured all A’s in my rest of the subjects with an overall of A2 (aggregate). Since I am selected in an engineering program, will my offer be revoked due to this sudden downfall of grade?</p>

<p>During Exam I actually got nervous and wasted my lot of time in solving difficult question thus, ended up with a total mess. I am really tensed and this is for the first time that I have fallen below A in my whole high school and that is also in one subject. Please help. </p>

<p>@believe24. Relax, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I got admitted to UC Berkeley. This semester I ended up with four A, one B and one C. They were asking me to get at least a B in three of my courses. Got As in two of them but Math is a C. Should I be worried!?</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound as if you should be worried, given your A’s, but I’m not familiar with the “B’s in three courses” request, so contact Berkeley directly.</p>

<p>Really folks, the only rescinding of an acceptance I heard was Harvard for a final grade of D in an academic course, and Penn accepted the student D and all.</p>

<p>I would think the most common rescinding is if you don’t get your deposit in on time and don’t bother to contact the college about it.</p>

<p>hi, so i got into cal poly pomona with a 2.8 gpa. My first semester of senior year i received a 2.8 but my second semester i received a 2.2 gpa with one D in pre-calc. would i be rescinded for this? btw pre-calc is not on my a-g requirement</p>



<p>This is not a “btw.” This is what is going to save your butt! As long as your overall GPA is at least a “C” and your “D” was in an “extra” class and not in a required “a-g” class, you should be okay.</p>

<p>I was admitted by USC as a transfer student. I am transferring from a good public 4-year university. I got 3c+ , 1b- and 1 b+, or maybe 2 c+, 3b’s this quarter, will that affect my admission? My original GPA is 3.65, but with these grades, looks like a 3.4, I am worried</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ HUGE THANKS! been worried for quite some time. </p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ I was admitted by USC as a transfer student. I am transferring from a good public 4-year university. I got 3c+ , 1b- and 1 b+, or maybe 2 c+, 3b’s this quarter, will that affect my admission? My original GPA is 3.65, but with these grades, looks like a 3.4, I am worried</p>

<p>@yaoyaomiya … I think you’ll be okay. It’s hard to weigh in responsibly without knowing a lot more about an applicant’s overall situation, but it doesn’t sound like your decline is big enough to warrant a rescinded acceptance, assuming that you weren’t admitted with any sort of warning that you had to earn a specific GPA or specific grades in specific courses.</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone But the thing is my GPA is quarter is only a 2.7, although my overall GPA is still 3.4, it still seems like my GPA falls a lot, so i am really worried. Thank you</p>