When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Please help @Sally_Rubenstone‌ :frowning: I got my International Baccalaureate grades today, and I have a 26/45. I was admitted to a great LAC with a predicted grade of 29, and various exam scores raging from 23-28. I recieved a D in Theory of Knowledge, but an A in EE. Do you think they will rescind? I did get my Diploma, thank God. Thank you for any help, I’m so worried!! </p>

<p>Also, do you think that if this LAC kicks me out, other college to which I was accepted but where I didb’t deposit might listen to an appeal?</p>

<p>zenobia96–Because colleges really hate to rescind acceptances, my guess is that you will get a warning letter rather than a revoked acceptance. But you’re not entirely out of the woods. And if your acceptance IS revoked, it will probably be for the “D” rather than for your IB score overall. You might want to be proactive and contact the college rather than wait for possible bad news.</p>

<p>IF your acceptance is rescinded (and I’ll still bet that it won’t be. though without complete confidence), you should feel free to contact the other colleges that admitted you to ask if there is space for you. But this would be a huge long-shot. You’d have to get very lucky. If that other college didn’t attract as large a freshman class as anticipated or if students who originally deposited have already withdrawn, then it’s possible that there will be a spot for you. Your chances will be best if your “numbers” (GPA and SAT’s) made you an especially strong candidate for that college in the first place and if you’re not seeking financial aid. </p>

<p>If there are extenuating circumstances that can help you to explain your sub-par performance (e.g., illness, family problems), then be sure to say so … both to the college that you plan to attend or–if your acceptance IS revoked–to any other college you approach about a possible last-minute vacancy.</p>

<p>Finally, I know of a student who was in a situation much like yours a couple years ago. He had been admitted to an Ivy League university and ended up with IB results below the predictions. The college did not dump the kid entirely but told him that he could not enroll that September. Instead, he had to take a gap year and enroll the following year. Even though this threw a monkey wrench into his plans, the gap year ended up being a good experience for him. So, if your college says that your acceptance is being rescinded, perhaps you can propose that you spend a gap year doing something worthwhile and then matriculate in the fall of 2015. Even if the college folks don’t actually suggest this, it can’t hurt to take the lead and propose it yourself, rather than simply walking away with your tail between your legs.</p>

<p>Good luck to you. Let us know how you made out.</p>

<p>Hey Sally! </p>

<p>I am supposed to join Purdue West Lafayette for First Year Engineering this fall. I did the IB diploma and my final grade was a 31/45 with the following grades. </p>

<p>Math SL: 6
Spanish AB Initio: 6
Business & Management: 5
English SL: 5
Computer Science HL: 5
Physics HL: 3
+1 extra point for EE/TOK</p>

<p>I’m quite concerned about the Physics HL grade. Will Purdue revoke my admission because of this score? Should I be worried about this? </p>

<p>Thank you in advance! Your advice would mean a lot to me. :)</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ hopefully you can help me out. :)</p>

<p>I forgot to mention, I’ve pretty much been a consistent 30-33 kid in terms of my grade. Our predicted scores weren’t disclosed to us, but I presume they’re in that ballpark. Just throwing that in there. </p>


<p>Sally help! I got accepted to cal state san bernardino but i recieved a D in ap english language the second semester of my senior year. It did not harm my overall gpa much, it went from 3.2 to a 3.1. Ive always had higher than a 3.1 exept my first semester of freshman year. But this semester i got a 2.6. Will my admissions be rescind?</p>

<p>ireyes123–Was the "D"in AP English for just the second semester or was it your overall final grade in the class?</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ , any advice for me?</p>

<p>Thank you @Sally_Rubenstone‌ ! I really appreciate your thoughtful comment. I felt much better hearing an outside voice instead of just mine panicking in a loop! I think it’ll be okay. Best, Zenobia</p>

<p>How does the rescinding of an acceptance work in regards to ED acceptances?</p>

<p>@aspiretosucceed … sorry, I missed your question before. You probably would have heard from Purdue by now if there’s a problem (have you?). I think you should be find.</p>

<p>@AmbiD77- An ED acceptance is the same as any other acceptance. That is, if final grades don’t resemble the grades on the transcript when a student was admitted, there is a risk of the acceptance being revoked.</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ : No problem at all. Didn’t even get a warning letter. They just said that I’ve successfully shown that my high school performance has been maintained to the standard they expect and they’re looking forward to me going there. :)</p>

<p>@sally_rubenstone: hey sally. I’m going to ucsb and its july 23 atm. They have checked my official transcript on the steps to enrollment and im wondering if its all done and good? Like are they officially done with checking my transcript? I beleive they received in june 20-22.</p>

<p>Hi Sally
I have a somewhat serious issue. I applied to Rutgers and was accepted to the SAS program. After my acceptance everything kindof went downhill. My grandfather got sick and almost died and both my parents had to leave the country to go see him. I was left in charge of my 2 siblings ages 12 and 15. And in consequence my grades dropped. I ended up with no significant changes in my grades except in trig/pre-calc which I failed. Recently rutgers sent me a letter asking me to explain my situation before they take any action. I sent them an email explaining yesterday and I’m waiting a reply. What are the chances that I’m going to have my acceptance rescinded? Please help I’m extremely worried
Ps. I also already paid my first payment towards my tutition and have chosen my classes. </p>

<p>@Scared1029–Sorry to hear about your grandfather. I’m guessing that Rutgers will let you off the hook and won’t rescind your acceptance. However, it wouldn’t hurt for you to track down your guidance counselor (easy to do in the summer at some high schools and not so easy at others) and ask him or her to call or write Rutgers to verify what you’ve already explained. If you can’t reach your counselor, it’s probably not a deal-breaker, but if you can get your counselor to confirm your story, it should definitely work in your favor.</p>

<p>Im going to UCI at the end of this month as a freshmen. They haven’t said anything, but i got a D freshmen year of highschool in one semester of art structure, which is the only class I ever took to satisfy the visual arts requirement for a UC school. Technically I can’t have any grade lower than a C for the a-g courses, but admissions never asked about it so I assumed it was fine. Plus it’s late in summer and I already took out loans and enrolled in classes, so im assuming im good but i still have the fear of being rescinded in the back of my head. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Your fear is legit because, as you’ve said yourself, you can’t get a D in an a-g course. But the UC system is huge and you may have fallen through the cracks. At this point, you might as well proceed as if your D was unnoticed because it looks like it was and it seems unlikely that you’ll get caught at this late date. If you were able to successfully enroll in classes, you should be okay now.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. It relieves a lot of stress to hear that. But in case I do get called out is that a big enough reason to get rescinded? I mean most people get rescinded for bad grades senior year because it reflects their academic performance poorly, but were talking about something freshmen year for me. Or maybe academic probation my first year? Also is there anything I can do right now to prevent an issue such at taking a BYU independent study?</p>

<p>Taking a class at this point will not bail you out if you get caught, but I’m guessing that you won’t. But are you absolutely sure that you never took an other qualifying class in high school … no band? no other music? no theater? </p>