When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Never took anything else. Art structure is the only class I took in 9th grade. I got a C first semester and a D second. My counselor talked to me about it second semester of senior year and suggested I do an online class. But around that time my moms arthritis got pretty bad and I ended up having to take care of her liquor store. I don’t know if thats is enough reason to save myself if they rescind me since I had all of highschool to take another visual art, I just didn’t realize the problem until it was too late. Do you think its a big enough reason to get rescinded? If so would it be worth writing an appeal?</p>

<p>With a C in one semester and then a D in the second, what did you get for the OVERALL course grade … are you sure it was a D or might have been a C-? In any case, let it go for now. In the unlikely event that you get called on this, THEN you can explain the extenuating circumstances (taking over for your mom at the store). You can also point out that you got BAD advising … which you definitely did. If you did indeed receive a D in the class, then your school counselor should have alerted you to the necessity of taking another course to meet the arts requirement. </p>

<p>But please let this go for now. There’s really nothing you can do at this point except cross your fingers and hope that this oversight will continue to go unobserved … which I suspect it will. </p>


<p>I have lost a lot of sleep over this issue. I was wondering can a college take back a degree? I did not lie on my college application but found out that my high school diploma later lost their accreditation or possibly never had accreditation at all and I was scammed. The college accepted me and let me graduate but I just do not want that to come back later down the road. Since then to cover my tracks, I took the national GED test and passed after I graduated college, which is something I should have done in the first place. The only reason I knew the high school lost its accreditation or supposed accreditation is because I went to a job interview and the HR personnel screened my education and advised me I did not have a legitimate diploma. So do you think the college can take back their degree? If so, is there a way to appeal this. I have been through so much in my life especially growing up with no parents and no guidance from anyone and to go so far and the possibility of something like this getting taken away scares me. I am the first one to graduate from college in my family, and will continue to pursue my education.</p>

<p>If this did happen should I get a lawyer involved?</p>

<p>So would this scenario make a difference if more than one college is in this current situation? See I graduated from a community college but then moved to a 4 year university. I am now two semesters away from graduating with my bachelors and plan to go to graduate school. So just checking if there is a national rule or is it upon the discretion of the college/university?</p>

<p>Your college will not take back your diploma unless they can prove that you intentionally deceived them, which you did not. I really don’t see your college pursuing this at all. Many students go to college without earning a diploma from an accredited high school (think of all the home-schooled students or those who hold only GED’s). So as long as there was no fraud on your part, you can sleep well at night. </p>

<p>Hello Sally_Rubenstone,</p>

<p>Thank you so much for reassuring me that this is not a huge concern of the school. I feel better knowing that is will unlikely haunt me down my educational path. </p>

<p>Hello Sally,</p>

<p>I was wondering if the college or university does rescind my degree, do they take away credits that were earned that were transferred to another institution? </p>

<p>I feel like you’re worried over nothing, or maybe there are some facts that you’re not revealing. If you went to college after graduating from an unaccredited high school and were successful at college, then no one will revoke your degree or take away any credits. Is there more to the story? If not, end of story.</p>

<p>Hello Sally,</p>

<p>I apologize about my paranoia but I come from low socioeconomic level population where I feel certain individuals would not like to see me thrive to be successful and would try to contact the university/college to open an investigation to my related high school diploma. </p>

<p>I honestly do not know if my high school diploma was ever accredited when the college accepted me or if I was a victim to a scam. I guess that is what was the need to take the Ged test to clear things up.</p>

<p>I just do not want someone to try and sabotage the future I am trying to create for my family.</p>

<p>Hello Sally,</p>

<p>I just tried to Google my high school, I received my high school diploma from one of these two schools: <a href=“FTC shuts down high school diploma mill that took $11M - CBS News”>http://www.cbsnews.com/news/high-school-diploma-mill-that-took-11-million-shut-down-by-ftc/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What would this mean for my scenario and the college? Would they still honor my degree?</p>

<p>Hold onto that article because it says that diploma recipients believed they were getting a legitimate diploma and the article doesn’t suggest that the students like you were guilty of wrongdoing. But you passed a GED anyway, which IS legitimate, so don’t worry about this.</p>

<p>Hello Sally,</p>

<p>Thank you, so this looks good in my favor I assume. </p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ </p>

<p>Hello Sally,</p>

<p>I’m waiting for the decision for the upcoming spring semester and currently taking 2 liberal art classes at a local community college. </p>

<p>I already have Associate Degree from overseas with Final GPA 3.5 and the school I’ve applied has 3.5 one. (I enrolled in the CC after I submitted my application.)</p>

<p>I’m taking them because I don’t have transferable liberal arts credits in the states. (They are not prerequisite classes. The school requires GPA higher than 3.0 and a portfolio)</p>

<p>I’m on the right track with my ENG class but I’m pretty sure I will end up getting either D or F at my history class. If…if I will get accepted, Do you think that it will affect my admission result?</p>

<p>@bluebluebear–I can’t say for sure, of course, but it seems unlikely that this grade will affect your transfer decision. But it also seems that, if you’re struggling in a history class, unlike in a math or science class, there may be ways to pull your grade up to at least a “C.” You should talk to the professor about doing an extra-credit paper or project. Since you’re taking this class to get liberal arts credits in the US, you should keep in mind that you WON’T get these credits if you get a D or F. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Hey I’ve had As all throughout high school and now i have a C in one class with 3 As. Do you think this will affect anything once i send in midyear report to colleges and then final report?</p>

<p>@Prodigee–You don’t say where you’ve been admitted or what you got your “C” in. It can be hard enough to predict if an admission offer will be rescinded when I know the college and the subject in which the grade is slipping, so it’s even harder without this information.</p>

<p>Assuming you’re already admitted somewhere (because this thread is about rescinded acceptances and not projected acceptances), you probably will be okay with one “C,” regardless of the subject, if the rest of the grades are A’s. But if you HAVEN’T been admitted anywhere, the “C” could hurt you, especially if you’re applying to hyper-competitive colleges and it’s in a key class. </p>

<p>@Sally_Rubenstone‌ C in Honors English and haven’t been admitted to UMD yet. Decisions come in like January.</p>

<p>Hi, first semester is ending and it is very likely that I will recieve a D in pre calc. My other grades are As Bs and 1 c in an AP class. I was wondering if there would be a chance that my admission will get rescinded from IU, Iowa, or mizzou. Thanks, An answer would for sure relieve some of my stress!</p>

<p>Hello, I’m in my third semester at CUNY Queens College and got accepted into both SUNY binghamton and stony brook as a transger with a 3.56 GPA. This semester I have struggled with General Chem and fear I will recieve around a C or worst possibly a D and was wondering if this would lead to my acceptance being rescinded. My other classes are pre-calc which I am expecting an A- or B, Writing intensive global literature which I am expecting an A in, and spanish for heritage speakers which I am expecting a B in. The problem was that I did not take any other chemistry class before I took general chem and since I registered over the phone the women who registered me into the class did not tell me it was recommended to first take intro to chem even though when you register online it does so. I also was unable to get into a lab so I’m not sure if that has led to me struggling with the class. A response would be appreciated so I know what to expect, thank you !</p>

<p>@jalmon12795-If your GPA is still above 3.0, you should be okay. Even so, try to work with your chem teacher to keep your grade at a C and not a D. If you go for extra help and/or ask if you can do an extra-credit project, you should be able to pull it up to a C, which will look a lot better than a D to your transfer schools. </p>

<p>I’m taking a class I’m miserable in (AP Stats) and I’m wondering if offers would be rescinded if I could find a way to drop the class second semester? I am applying to all Big 10 (and other schools the same size) and am taking 3 other AP classes. It’s not that I’m doing poorly, the class is just making me miserable.</p>