When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

I have 7 classes (most rigorous course load), with 3 As, and 4 Bs including a low a B. I’m worried about it dropping down to a C. Would that get me srescinded from colleges? Would my current academic standing be OK for selective colleges?

@AuroraXx -Yes, you should definitely write to Duke before you get bad news in July. You probably wouldn’t get worse than a warning with 2 C’s, but the fact that the C’s are in engineering-related subjects is concerning. You should be specific about the family situation unless it sounds whiny (e.g., if your parents are separating or your beloved grandfather has cancer, this is worth mentioned. But if the “family situation” is that your parents are updating your bathroom and so you have to share with your brothers, don’t say anything!). Good luck!

@nepenthesrajah -One C shouldn’t hurt you unless you had all A’s every term until now. Then the combination of 3 B’s and a C might get you a warning letter but PROBABLY nothing worse.

I have a twofold question. I’m currently a high school senior planning on attending UCSD.

  1. I misreported on my application that I received an A in a community college course when I actually received an I (incomplete/no grade). It’s an introductory class related to the major I got into UCSD for.
  2. Additionally, I didn’t sign up for two AP tests that I said I’d be taking (statistics and microecon). Neither of these APs is related to my major, but will my double misreporting lead to my acceptance being rescinded?

^Dang that reminds me, would not taking an AP test I originally reported I would be taking on the common app get me rescinded?

@nepenthesrajah -I wrote about that earlier. The answer is that, except in an atypical situation, the college won’t know that you didn’t take the AP test. By an “atypical” situation, I mean that some colleges will hand down a conditional acceptance that is predicated on certain AP or IB results. But this is not common and applies largely to international students who aren’t getting any final grades. So, in most cases, not taking an AP test will go unnoticed.

Hi Sally,

I misreported on my application that I received an A in a community college course when I actually received an I (incomplete/no grade). It’s an introductory class related to the major I got into UCSD for. Do you think I’ll be rescinded?

@dcba12 -#1 could hurt you but not #2 unless you received an acceptance contingent on these tests (highly unlikely) or if your high school requires you to take the exams or the class doesn’t count. But, due to the significant error in reporting your community college class, you better contact UCSD right away and clear the air.

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much. I’ve contacted UCSD admissions and I’m very nervously waiting for their response.

@dcba12 -Don’t lose sleep over this yet. If the rest of your curriculum was rigorous, then the missing CC class may be no big deal. It will hurt the most if it were one of your more demanding classes. But since you said it was an intro class, I’m guessing that I probably wasn’t.

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi Mrs. Rubenstone, I was accepted to an ivy league school (HYP) and had a 4.0 uw until this trimester (2nd). I finished with one A, B’s, and a “Pass” (replacing a D) in IB Theory of Knowledge (a non-core class). I emailed the university about my grades and health condition (a severe skin irritation) that caused me to miss several days of school and my grades to drop this trimester.

Do you think this is grounds for rescinding my admission? Any other advice? Thanks in advance!

@hombre11-Your college won’t be thrilled with your downturn (though you don’t say how many B’s you got so it’s hard to know exactly where you landed). They may contact your counselor to find out what a “Pass” in TOK really means. If your counselor said you were getting a D, that could spell trouble So hopefully your counselor will say something vaguer like, “We give our seniors the option to switch one class to “Pass/Fail” in the second semester” and will leave it at that.

The fact that you already emailed the university is important and shows foresight and maturity on your part. Hopefully you will get good news in response. Let me know what you hear back and I can advise accordingly, as required.

@Sally_Rubenstone They said they would begin reviewing all students’ final transcripts once summer starts. I had 3 B’s. I’m really trying to change my grade to a B, but the teacher seems set on the “Pass” grade.

In the case I change my grade to a B, (so 4 B’s and one A overall) would that still be grounds for rescindance?

Given that I emailed them already and have a reason for this trimester’s grades, do you see a rescinding as likely at this point?

@hombre11 -I don’t think you’ll be rescinded, even if you end up with an A, 3 B’s, and a Pass. You might get a warning letter but I suspect nothing more dire.

Thanks so much for the help! Family and I very nervous at the moment about this situation. Would you even say rescindance is very unlikely?

@hombre11 -My wonderful late mother had a tendency to ask the same question over and over if she didn’t like the answer she got the first (or second) time. Similarly, I can’t give you a more definitive response than I already have. In my gut, I don’t see you getting rescinded. But I’m not truly in a position to be certain. I don’t know your college’s policy and, above all, I don’t know your “Big Picture” (your academic record, your overall profile, your background, etc.)

Colleges may rescind for just one D but not usually for anything less dire … except perhaps when all or mostly A’s drop to mostly C’s. So your next step should be to talk to your counselor and ask what he or she will say if your college were to call up and ask about that “Pass” in TOK. As I said above, it would be very helpful to your cause if the counselor were to say something like, “We give all of our seniors the opportunity to take one class as Pass/Fail in the final trimester” rather than, “This kid was getting a D so I recommended the Pass/Fail option instead.”

Also has anyone actually been rescinded in this thread??

I was accepted to the University of Washington with a 3.60 unweighted. There weren’t any conditions of admission, such as UC Berkeley where you must obtain a 3.0 unweighted GPA/no grade lower than a C (but I’m not going there). Usually I get A’s and B’s, and take 4 aps/honors classes out of the 5 required courses. This year I doubled up on science (regular physics). I got a 3.4 unweighted so 3 B’s and 2 A’s. This semester, I might end up with a 3.0 unweighted, with all B’s. I’m doing everything I possibly I can to not get a C in my calculus class. What are the chances of getting rescinded? I’m so, so scared.

@sourpatchkidz11 -You should be fine. I can never guarantee this but your load is tough and you won’t have any D’s so I believe you’ll be okay.

Hello, I hope you are well and please could you answer my quesiton.

I have two. I was accepted to UC Davis

My first one is that instead of letter grades that show on my final transcript, I actually reported number grades when applying to the university. For example I got a D in Mathematics for my first semester of senior year but I reported it as 3. I applied to 4 UC’s. Irvine Davis, Santa Cruz and Riverside. I got into 3 and waitlisted at Irvine. Irvine SC and Riverside all asked for my transcripts but UC Davis did not. I am assuming they saw my transcripts which had letter grades on it because all the other 3 UC’s asked for it and probably saw it. But my final transcript that will go to them in July will show them letter grades and not the number grades that I reported. Is this okay because my counselor said it wasn’t that big an issue.

Secondly (much bigger), I recieved an F in the second semester for my Math SL Course. I tried to bring it up second quarter of my second semster but I couldn’t. I scored nearly 80 percent i.e. a B- in my mocks but it still wasn’t enough. It’s not really that I am bad at math. I reciever 720 in SAT (98th percentile) and also mostly B’s in 9,10 and 11 grades Also, I will most certainly score a C (4 in IB) or above in my actual IB exams due in 2 weeks.

Am I in grave danger of being rescinded? or will I be fine?


I am talking about UC Davis.
I am an international student paying full tuition