When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Thank you, @Sally_Rubenstone are there some known colleges who are finicky about AP?

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone . I will most likely be attending either UC San Diego or UC Berkeley this upcoming fall. So far throughout HS, I have had very good grades (mostly As and a few Bs). However, this semester, I may be getting 1 C (AP Comp Sci A), 1 B (non-AP course) , and 1 A (AP English). In this case, I would get a 3.0 UW and 3.67 W GPA for this term. Is this cause for concern? Thank you so much :slight_smile:

@binky17-I don’t know of any colleges specifically. The only times I have heard of acceptances being rescinded due to low AP scores or NO AP scores was when these AP screw-ups were in the context of a more general grade decline. That is, in both cases, the student’s grades had gone down across the board but especially in the AP classes. So, when deciding the student’s fate, the college folks asked for AP results which–if strong–might have been a lifeline for the student but, instead, were apparently the nail in the coffin.

@wormholes -Your UC acceptance should have included a “contract” outlining your obligations. Typically the UC obligation is a 3.0 or better GPA and no grade below a C (and the UC schools don’t use pluses or minuses, so a C- would be okay too). It looks like you’ve met this standard so, presumably, you’ll be fine.

@Sally_Rubenstone Hello, I recently got into NYU using my IB predicted grades as “standardized test scores”. On NYU’s website it says they have the right to withdraw acceptances if the final scores arent in a certain range. I was predicted 40/45 but there’s no way I can get that high on the final exams, and I’m looking for a drop in 3 -5 points. Would this be a reason to rescind me?

@imasian111 -It WOULD be a reason to rescind you but I’m guessing that won’t happen. Just a guess but based on some experience.

@Sally_Rubenstone I got accepeted to SDSU for this coming fall semester as a transfer student. I had to withdraw from a major pre-req class, but on my application I said I would take it. This would be my only missing pre-req. is it likely I am going to be rescinded?

@brainchaos. I don’t have an answer for you. I’m guessing you’ll be okay but I’d need to know a lot more about you and your academic program to weigh in responsibly. I suggest that you contact the admission office immediately and ask if withdrawing from this class will hurt you. If so, ask if you can take it over the summer. Good luck!

@Sally_Rubenstone I will be attending Syracuse University in the fall. I currently have a D+ in math (76%), with the rest of my grades being in good position. If my prior grade in math was a B-, could I get rescinded? I got accepted through ED if that means anything

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi there! I’m currently a senior that was accepted into UC Berkeley a few weeks ago to their College of Letters and Science. After seeing the conditions of admissions I got a little worried. I claimed to be planning to take AP Bio second and third trimesters. However, I dropped AP Bio second and third trimesters in order to make room for a “guided academics” course - basically a free hour where I could catch up on work. I have a 4.0 unweighted, and I’m taking 4 more AP’s in addition to guided academics (Spanish Language, Microeconomcis, Government, Literature). The main reason that I dropped AP Bio was that it was the same hour as the only guided academics, and I thought as though I would excel more with 4 AP’s and a free hour then I would with 5 total and no free time during the day. I’m planning on submitting an Undergraduate Admissions Change Form to notify Cal of my schedule changes, but I was wondering if you had any tips beforehand. (I have already accepted the SIR, but have not made any deposits as of yet). Thanks!!

@Sally_Rubenstone my main worry is that Cal would view this as not rigorous enough and rescind my admission decision. I have the same problem with two other courses. My teachers decided to limit my speech class to one trimester, when I applied to Cal with three trimesters. In addition, I picked up AP government during the second and third trimesters to augment the fact that I want to study political science and computer science at Cal, eventually leading to some sort of pseudo-public policy technology career goal. I’m planning on submitting Change Forms for all of these, but I feel that these may jeapordize my admissions. To review, my schedule now is AP Gov, Spanish, Lit, Microeconomics, and guided academics. Cal is under the impression that I am currently taking Speech and AP Bio, and does not know about AP govt. help!!

@ncneil824-Colleges definitely don’t like it when a student lightens a load after applying. You need to report your changed schedule right away so that you know your status before May 1. In your note you can emphasize what you said here about taking AP Gov instead because it meshes with your future goals. (You can’t lie outright and say that AP Gov conflicted with AP Bio so you had to make a choice, but you can imply that you wanted to put your energies into a different rigorous class that’s tied to your future goals rather than one that isn’t.

@clangs -Colleges hate D’s so you need to write to Syracuse and tell them how hard you’re working in the math class. If you have supporting evidence (e.g., a teacher who can claim that you go for extra help or a tutor who is working with you), so much the better. And if you HAVEN’T been going for extra help, start today!

Most colleges will rescind acceptances on a case-by-case basis, so if you are proactive about this and insist that you were not slacking and if you point out that the rest of your grades are good but that math has been your Achilles Heel all year, you’ll probably be okay. Colleges don’t like to lose committed students so don’t be an ostrich on this with the hope that the admission folks won’t notice that D+ in July. Act now!

I was admitted into Syracuse for pre-law. I’m currently taking 4 AP classes. However, I’m worried that in AP Bio I am going to be ending with a D. I work really hard in bio but no matter how hard I try I can’t get my grade up. In my other classes I have been getting a B+ or better. I am really worried that they will rescind my acceptance. I don’t really have an accuse of why my grade is really low except that it was too difficult. Do you think I have a good chance of having my acceptance being rescinded?

I seen in the post above that you said to talk to the teacher of writing something about the student working hard. I do not think my teacher would do that. She holds grudges toward people doing bad in her class.

I seen in the post above that you said to talk to the teacher of writing something about the student working hard. I do not think my teacher would do that. She holds grudges toward people doing bad in her class.

@francesca14 -If you’re not comfortable approaching your teacher, you can omit providing a note from her but DO write to Syracuse promptly to explain that you are working hard in a tough class but still struggling. Mention that you are in a lot of challenging classes and that your other grades are good. Although admission folks don’t like low grades, they DO like it when students seem concerned about their low grades. So if you show Syracuse that you care, it should work very much in your favor. Good luck!

Would brown rescind me for having 3Bs and 5As in almost all AP classes? I’m asking because I asked an admissions officer and the response I got was along the lines of “it would be preferable if you got no more than one B second semester”

@beepybeetle -I can’t speak for every college but I doubt you’d be rescinded for 3B’s and 5A’s in mostly AP classes. And I would certainly be furious if you were. No wonder high school students are so stressed! In MY day, when most folks didn’t take AP classes at all (we’re talking mid-1960s), 3B’s and 5A’s in a rigorous program would be considered quite fine. So let me know if you have any problem at Brown so I can complain publicly.

Hi…I’m very new to collegeconfidential but the the whole having your application rescinded is worrying me. So, I got accepted to Duke (my dream school) pratt RD and I’ve committed but my 2nd semester grades are scaring me. I take all IB classes. I would have 2 A , 2 B amd 2 C do you think my admission will get rescinded?

I was never a straight A student though. I always get 4A and 2B (eng and chem).

My major prob is that those 2 C will be math and chem, and I am going to Pratt engineering school at Duke. :’( I do have family situations that are effecting me throughout 2nd semester. Should I take a chance and write an email to duke before warning letter?