When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@USNavy2021 -I see smooth sailing ahead for you in my telescope. It wouldn’t shock me if an admission official wrote to say that the downturn was noted but without imposing any consequences. However, given that you’re in tough classes and are still getting A’s and B’s (albeit in a different proportion), I suspect that your final report will slip by without a comment.

Got into MIT. I will maybe get a C (I may pull it up to a B though). If the rest are As, will MIT rescind me with the C?

@sweatearl–Don’t … uh … sweat one C when all of the rest of your grades are A’s.

Ok my story isn’t as scary as the other stories, but I am likely going to get a D on AP Microeconomics. All my other grades which are all AP Classes are averaging to B’s and A’s, which is typical for me every year. I’ve gotten a C+ and B+ on AP Microeconomics for first and second quarter and with the final and fourth quarter coming up, I’m expecting it to average out as a C, but worst case scenario let’s say I get a D+. Do you think I am pretty safe even if i get a D+ as a final average?

@unfortunatemango -If you get a D (or D+) as your final grade, your acceptance could be in jeopardy. It depends a lot on which college you’ll be attending along with other aspects of your overall profile that I don’t know about. If you think there’s a chance you’ll get a D in this class, I suggest that you NOT wait. Contact your college now and explain that you are working hard but have been struggling in this one class all year. Point out that your overall load is rigorous. If you got behind in econ for a particular reason (e.g., you were absent during a critical time or you have a weak background in math that is coming to light in this class), be sure to say so. I even knew a student who had trouble in AP Econ because he couldn’t afford the snazzy calculator that his classmates used but was too shy to tell the teacher, who might have been able to give him a loaner.

The worst thing you can do is to be an ostrich, hoping that you’ll end up with at least a C, if you suspect that you won’t. Colleges want to know about your concerns NOW, and not after-the-fact, when your transcript arrives in June or July, and admission folks will be more sympathetic if jump on this promptly.

Good luck!

I don’t think ill have my acceptance revoked, but I’m just wondering. I will most likely end up with a C for the year in AP Environmental while all my other grades will be As and Bs.

Hello @JakeDaGreat5002 , my daughter is in a similar position as you with UCSC. Can you update us on how it went? Did you get rescinded?

@misturcliff You will be fine unless it’s Stanford or Harvard or something like that haha

Hi Mrs. Rubestone, I asked about grades earlier but now we that finals are over, I’m looking at 3 As, 3Bs and a C. Would I get rescinded from my college? (Ivy, admitted with 3.78 GPA)

@USNavy2021-No, I very much doubt you’d get rescinded for those grades. What was the C in?

My sole non-AP class… Honors English 4

@USNavy2021 - I really don’t think you’ll get your acceptance revoked but the admission folks probably WILL wonder how you managed to get a C in a non-AP class in a language that you presumably speak. So,send me a private message and tell me honestly why you think you got that C (e.g., slacking, bad teacher, super-boring class, too many other commitments so you used only Spark Notes, etc.) Then I’ll let you know if I think you should send a note to the admission office or just let it go.

Hi…I got accepted to Duke. I normally have A, A, A, A, B, and B but this senior year’s second semester, I’ll ende up with A, B, B, C, B , C (I can try try to get one of the Cs a B but I can’t guaranteed). I think this is super scary but please just let me know you honest view. Thank you so much.

@AuroxaXx–My “honest view” is just a guess, but I think you will hear from Duke, with admission officials asking about your downturn … at least if you get the two C’s (with just one C, maybe not). You PROBABLY won’t have your acceptance revoked, but Duke is likely to request more information.

So my advice–as I’ve said to so many others on this thread–is to be pro-active and write to Duke to tell them about the anticipated drop in grades. You can say that you expect an A, four B’s and one C but that one of the B’s could end up as a C. Try to explain why you got in trouble … an overly ambitious course load? Frequent or prolonged illness? Family problems? Too many extracurricular commitments? The admission folks tend to be most forgiving when a student takes charge of the situation and doesn’t wait for the college staff to notice the downturn first.

I am worried about my senior’s second semester grades. Senior recently had knee surgery and had to be absent from school for one week. This subsequently put child behind in all of his classes and so he is in danger of getting a D and a C this semester in two of his AP classes. He only has about 4 more weeks left of the semester. He has been seeing his teachers to get help. He will be matriculating to a big state school. Should he contact admissions now about his grades or wait until the end of the semester?

@Wschoolmcounty - I would suggest that he waits until the end of the semester … or at least until NEARLY the end … when he has a clearer idea of what his grades will be. Then he should write to his college and explain that any downturn they’ll see on his final report was the result of his knee surgery and related absences. He should list everything he’s done (e.g., going for extra help) to try to catch up. In other words, he can wait before contacting the colleges but I think he should still do it BEFORE they get the final transcript from his school.

In the meantime, he should do everything he can within reason to avoid a D. If he ends up with a couple C’s, they should be easy to explain away because of the surgery.

The college may be okay with the D as well, given the situation, but it would make his life easier if he can avoid it.

Thank you for your advice.

@Sally_Rubenstone I am attending emory uni this fall but my grades have slipped 2nd semester. On my mid year report, I had A+, A, A-, A, B+, and B-. On my final transcript, I believe that I will have A+, A+, A-, A-, B (or B+)and a C+. Will this get me rescinded? I am taking 5 APs this year, and two of them are semester APs so I take 4 APs a semester. I am concerned because I have never made a C+ on my final report. I only had one B+ before this year. I’m a first-gen student so I could not imagine how my parents would feel if I got rescinded.

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi there! I was admitted to UChicago EA and committed. I have had a 4.0 UW all throughout high school including first semester senior year, but it turns out I’m pretty terrible at math and am looking at a C+ (MAYBE a B- if I’m lucky on the final) in calculus AB this semester. With all A’s/like one A- in the rest of my classes, how likely is getting rescinded/warned? I have made significant effort to raise my grade (it used to be a D+ yikes) with a tutor and coming in for extra help, and can definitely tell them that if they ask. Thanks!!

@milky99 and @futuremaroon0998 -You will both be fine. Just make sure you pay attention down the home stretch so that your grades don’t slip anymore.