When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?


I have committed to the University of Michigan and am wondering if I should worry about getting rescinded with a D+ final grade in Calc BC. I have Bs in all other classes. They admitted me with a B- final grade in Intro to Calc BC so this is a little more than a letter grade drop. The true reason for my grade is a mix of laziness and an increased involvement with my family business to save up for that OOS tuition. What do you think?

@aphenoPHILIA -As I’ve said many times on this thread already, colleges do not like D’s (including D+'s). It’s possibly that Michigan will rescind your acceptance, but if you are proactive and alert the admission folks to a pending downturn before they see it themselves, and if you provide a reason for it, you are more likely to get mercy than if you stick your head in the sand. Obviously, you don’t want to mention your laziness (although it may be suspected anyway!). Instead, talk about how you increased your family-business involvement and point out that your time-management skills weren’t up to snuff but that this experience has helped to prepare you for college since you now do have a better idea of how to manage your time.

Has anyone from this thread wrote to the college admission officers about their downturn and recieve a response. If so could you please share with us their response?

Long story short I’ve always been a good student and never cheated but I let senioritis hit me and I submitted a math project that wasn’t my own work. My teacher caught me and had me re-do the entire project and ended up giving me half credit for it. It was worth three test scores so it brought my grade down to a 67% which is a D. She also made a note next to it that said “Cheated, turned someone else’s project, re-did project, received 1/2 credit.” I know what I did was wrong and I shouldn’t have done it in the first place but I’m worried that my admission to CU Boulder will be revoked. I’ve already gotten accepted and I’ve already received my dorm assignment.

What are the chances of my admission being revoked???

@Sien.Richa030612-At many colleges you’d definitely get your acceptance revoked for this level of cheating. But you may have a shot at keeping your spot at CU Boulder if you take the reins and write to the admission office immediately. Explain that you did a terrible thing and that it’s something you’ve never done before. Insist that you were really stupid but that you’ve learned a lesson so you’re certain that you would never cheat again. You might also want to offer up some “penance”–like tutoring elementary students in math over the summer.

Don’t wait around to act; write tonight! And let us know how you made out.

Hi Sally, I commented a couple weeks ago but I’m worried. I might end up with all B’s and 1 C in ap calc ab. I’m taking 4 other ap classes, never been a straight A student. I had two A’s and 3 B’s last semester, what are my chances of being rescinded? I’ll be attending the University of Washington in the fall, they don’t have any conditions required in the SIR.

@sourpatchkidz11 -I think you’ll be fine.

Hi Sally,
I was admitted to Georgetown as a transfer. My first quarter I got a 3.8 and that was what I sent in. In quarter 2, I overloaded myself and I hurt my GPA (went to a 3.4). Of the 5 classes I took, I got 2 B-, 2B, and 1A. My previous quarter I had 2A, 1A-, and one B+. Is there a chance they would rescind me? I’m working hard third quarter to make sure my grades don’t sink even more. Hoping to end with a 3.45.

@xXRedXx -You should be fine.

Hi, I was recently accepted to the University of Washington and am scared my offer will get taken back. Here are the grades I am probably going to finish with:
IB English: B-
IB Math Studies: D+/ C-
Yearbook: A
IB Physics: B
IB Spanish: C
IB History: B
I used to be a straight A student but have been dealing with a lot lately, my mom is sick and receiving treatment and surgery and it’s been hard for me to cope. I have been stressed out of my MIND I have not even been studying for finals.
Do you think there is a chance they will take back my offer?? I would REALLY appreciate your input, thank you so much!!!

@nyugirl17 -Send a letter to the admission office right now explaining your mother’s situation, the stress it’s put on you, plus cite any extra hours you have put in taking care of her or spending time with her. If you end up with a D+ in math … along with the rest of the downturn in other grades … the admission folks will not be pleased, but your explanatory letter will put the drop of grades in perspective, and I think you should be okay. Don’t hesitate. Write today! And best wishes for a full recovery for your mom.

Hi, I was recently admitted into SJSU. I ended up with a D in my second-semester statistics class. I didn’t experience any downturn in my grades except for my D in AP Stats which went from a C in first semester to a D now. Lately, after my car accident it caused me to lose focus in school and going out to treatment as well, but I don’t know if this is a probable reason. I am just really concerned as is everyone with getting my admissions rescinded.

@taleforeverlost- Any senior with a “D” is in jeopardy of having an acceptance rescinded. So my advice to you is the same as the advice I’ve given to many others in your shoes already: Write to SJSU immediately and explain your extenuating circumstances (car accident, subsequent loss of focus and treatments …). Not only will admission officers consider this situation when making a final decision on you, but also they will appreciate the fact that you reached out to them to discuss the “D” before they had to contact you to ask about it.

Hi i was admitted to johns hopkins and plan on attending in the fall. I was accepted with only 2 bs on my transcript all throughout high school. If I have 2bs and a c+ this semester does that but me in jeopardy of getting rescinded? Thank you

@bluejaydetroit -Not likely. You should be okay.

@Sally_Rubenstone I just wanted to update you on my son. He did very well on his math final and made a C for the class. Thus, he made 3 Bs and a C at Georgia Tech, which the high school weights as 3 As and a B. He’s graduating 4th in his class!

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi, I recently got accepted as a transfer student from cc to NC State as a biological science major. I am taking two classes this semester and unfortunately, I’ll be getting a D and a C for those classes. I have failed that class twice and manage to get a D this time (really not good at Calculus). In my science classes, i have all As except for a C in Orgo 1 and a B in general chem 2. Will They rescind my acceptance?

@tracycoral - Thanks so much for closing the loop for me. Your son sounded like a special guy so I was pretty confident that he would land on his feet. Congrats to both of you on his fine academic career so far and good luck to him at Rice.

So I was accepted to uva as a transfer from gmu, but it looks like my second semester grades are going to be by and large worse that my midterm grades I sent in. Mostly probably 2 Bs, a B+, an A-, and a C-. I am most worried about the C-, as it was in a higher level Econ class. Could my acceptance be rescinded?

@sd4198 -Probably not, but is Econ your intended major? If so, I doubt that your acceptance would be automatically rescinded but you might hear from admission folks who want to ask what happened.