When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@ruknight12-I suggest you follow your counselor’s advice. If you had any D’s, I might advise otherwise. But, in THIS case, if Rutgers does contact you to ask about your grades (which may or may not happen), you will want to ask your counselor to write a letter on your behalf. If it comes to light that you went against your counselor’s advice, it could compromise the enthusiasm of the letter. I don’t think you have a high chance of having your acceptance rescinded but there is SOME chance that Rutgers may ask you to explain yourself. So that’s where you’ll want your counselor in your corner.

Hi, I got into Bowdoin with a predicted IB score of 42 (EE and TOK included). I applied college with an intention to study history; however, I ended up having my history exam spoiled (I had got straight 7s in history before but only got a 5 this time) To make things worse, I only got a D on Extended Essay, which is also on history. I was shocked when I heard my grades. (I never anticipate I will get a 5 on history and my EE adviser told me that my EE was fair) Although I did OK on other subjects (Total IB score 40), I am worried that Bowdoin may revoke its admission. Do you think that my offer may be rescinded? Thank you a lot for helping me on that!

@TRZ111–Are you an international student (or any other student) whose final senior grades are ONLY the IB results or do you attend a school where you get regular grades at the end of the school year? If the latter–and if your grades were fine, then you should be fine at Bowdoin too. If, however, your ONLY final grades were your IB grades, you will probably hear from Bowdoin about that D. This doesn’t mean that your acceptance will be revoked. It most likely won’t be. But the admission officials will want you to try to explain what you think went wrong … though it sounds like you don’t know. The fact that the majority of your IB scores were strong will definitely work in your favor. My crystal ball does NOT show your acceptance being rescinded.

Good luck and let me know what happens.

Hi! So my case is pretty special. Iwas accepted to WPI RD with merit and financial aid. The problem was that on the activity section of the common app, I put third place in the state champion as the award in Math Club and Track club. But the award was rather won by the whole team not individually. I did not know my mistake until I read the school news later. It said I won third in the state champion. Now Im worried that if someone calls WPI to report my case, I will get rescinded. But the dilemma is that I have no intention of lying to the school. It was eather a mistake by myself. Do you think I can get my admission rescinded? Also, I have already received my i20. Can WPI still rescind my acceptance after issuing me an i20? Please help, Im desperate…

@Zorba5398 -Your WPI acceptance and scholarship are not going to be rescinded. So don’t worry about that. However, you should write to the WPI admission office to clarify your situation. Simply explain the misunderstanding, pointing out that you were indeed part of a third-place team but it was not an individual award and that you did not intentionally mislead the admission officials. You’ll be fine.

@Sally_Rubenstone thank you so much for the response!
But will it raise them a red flag causing them any concerns? I have received my i20 so does it mean I am off the hook?

@Zorba5398 If you’d done something truly awful, the fact that you have your I-20 would not prevent the college from rescinding your acceptance. But you didn’t do anything awful.

@Sally_Rubenstone thanks for the fast and straightforward response ^^

Thank you for your response!
I am an international student and the IB results will be my final senior grades. I have asked the IBO to re-mark my EE and my history exam but the results may remain the same. I will certainly let you know about what happens later. Thank you so much for your help!
btw, could you give me some suggestions on how to respond in case Bowdoin sends me an email asking about that D? Thank you!!!

@TRZ111 --If Bowdoin should contact you about that D, you should respond honestly by telling them that you’re mystified by it yourself and that you’re looking into the issue with the IBO. This will show that you’re taking the situation very seriously.

Then go on to describe all of the good academic work that you did this year … e.g., top scores on other exams, any work you did that you’re especially proud of, etc. In other words, focus on your academic strengths. Bowdoin is a highly selective school so there must have been a lot about you that stood out. So just remind them of it! Your final IB score is not very far off from your predicted score, so you may not hear anything from Bowdoin at all.

@Sally_Rubenstone I enrolled to Harvey Mudd for the class of 2021 with a predicted of a 7, 6, 6 in my HLs in the IB. However my final exam scores showed a drop (I got a 6, 5, 5.) No subject dropped by more than one point but I’m afraid that the cumulative has been lowered and that HMC will rescind my offer. Do you think that’s a likely possibility?? Thanks so much

@xHopex -I can never speak for the colleges, but it doesn’t seem likely to me that you will lose your place at Harvey Mudd.

Get it. Thanks Sally!

@Sally_Rubenstone-Hi there, I applied to UCSC with my predicted scores of 30 for the IB Diploma program, which I was accepted into. However, after seeing my actual results recently of 24, I just wanted to ask if my offer will likely get rescinded. I go to an international school and our school only uses the IB program, so I don’t have an GPA. Thanks in advance.

@Sally_Rubenstone, Just to Add on, I also did the ACT and scored a 26, if that will help my case in anyway.

@15shene1 -I don’t know the UCSD policy on this. I would assume that a 24 would be about the minimal score that would be acceptable but I really have no idea if your admission will be affected by your drop from your predicted score. You should contact UCSD directly, if your acceptance letter didn’t present you with clear “conditions” for keeping your spot. You ACT score is not a factor here.

Perhaps other CC members, especially other international students who applied to UC schools, can weigh in here.

Good luck!

Sally-will a college likely rescind if a student has been arrested for misdemeanor pot charges (TWICE-once before acceptance but after the application was sent in and once after acceptance)? Does the school even have to be informed of this if it resulted in unsupervised probation (the student has been awarded federal financial aid-not sure if this matters in terms of telling the school)?

@Emsmom1- Does the guidance counselor know and, if so, will s/he inform the college? Most colleges receive a School Report form from high schools right about now asking if anything has changed since the student applied. So, in some cases, the counselor might report the misdemeanors if they are known. If the counselor were to report TWO pot-related misdemeanors, the college might rescind … and this would certainly be more likely than if there were just one.

Sometimes the college asks the student to self-report offenses, but the student need not report if not asked. And a drug conviction can affect Federal aid if it occurred during the period that the aid was received. So your daughter should be okay here. But you might want to lash her to her desk, even if you need a long cord that reaches to a distant college. After the first arrest she should have been far more careful than she was. As a parent myself, I feel your pain.

@Sally_Rubenstone thanks for the reply. As far as I know, the guidance counselor didn’t have any knowledge of the first arrest (it’s not my daughter, thank goodness, but it is a relative) and the second one happened after high school graduation and after he was accepted to the college. Since he wasn’t receiving financial aid at the time of the arrest/misdemeanor conviction, does he have an obligation to report it to the school or to the federal financial aid office?

@Emsmom1 -He should be safe with his acceptance if the school counselor doesn’t report the infraction. But when he fills out his next FAFSA, he will be asked about drug CONVICTIONS (not arrests) during a period when he was receiving Federal aid. Depending on how the arrest was handled, it may not count as a “conviction.” But if he wasn’t actually receiving aid at the time of the conviction, he will probably be okay too. Even so, he better clean up his act before he actually starts getting the dough because it sounds like he’s on thin ice.