<p>yes, i know school just started but since I'm a senior and already tired of school after 2 days, i've been looking forward to second semester which conveniently is when senior prom is situated. since i didn't go to my junior prom, i don't know the answer to the question i posed in the title. when do seniors start asking prospective dates to the senior prom?</p>
<p>Any time before prom. But realistically, I’d say when prom tickets begin being on sale, or the week before.</p>
<p>ASAP. I mean, by asking really hella early there’s no way she’ll change her mind or find another boo.</p>
<p>Our prom is in mid-May and people started to pair up in early March. I’ve known of people who had a date lined up as early as October though. Personally, I think that’s unnecessary, but whatevs.</p>
<p>that’s helpful Nulli cause my prom is in mid may too</p>
<p>Our prom was late May and some people with boyfriends or girlfriends knew who they were going with already… they just had to ‘try to not break up’ xD</p>
<p>Most people ask between Feb - March. depending on who they wanted to ask (are a lot of people going to ask that specific person?) and how many ‘back ups’ they had.</p>
<p>I know in some public schools around my area, the guy asks the girl to prom, not the other way around. Girls ask guys to homecoming. Then there are 2 tolos where in one, girl asks guy, in another, guy asks girl. It depends per school tradition though.</p>
<p>^ I think that depends mostly on the school. Where I go it’s much more common for guys to ask to both prom and homecoming than for girls to ask. Girls do ask though (now that I think about it in my four years I’ve only had to ask a girl to Homecoming once )</p>
<p>i’m a pretty shy guy so i wish girls would ask more. like i said, i didn’t go to junior prom so i’m not really sure if that even happens at all at my school. but i probably’ll just ask a friend so it wouldn’t be embarrassing or anything</p>
<p>Don’t be too nervous… a lot of girls would be absolutely thrilled to be asked to prom. And even if you ask a girl, and she says no, it’s not the end of the world. </p>
<p>For us, prom is mid-April, and people generally get asked ~a month before in March.</p>
<p>1 or 2 months before prom. Trust me, girls need time to prepare their dresses and everything.</p>
<p>My stand partner in orchestra is a very talented singer, actor, and musician. She’s popular but no one asked her to prom. So… a lot of girls are waiting for YOU TO ASK HER.</p>
<p>I would be creeped out if a guy asked me to prom in September (or anytime before February, for that matter). Just sayin’.</p>
<p>1-1.5 months is usually good</p>
<p>definitely not right now, usually when people start thinking about prom like yeah, after winter, or about 1.5-2 months.</p>
<p>i’m not talking about now, fools…</p>
<p>how do you even know if a girl hasnt’ been asked yet?</p>
<p>^Find out from her friends. If you don’t know her well enough to know that, it’s kinda weird of you to be asking her. Maybe it’s different in other schools, but mine’s really small and everyone knows everyone’s gossip and most people ask others to prom quite publicly.</p>