When do National Merit Finalist rejection letters come out?

Saw the rejection letter today. They cited the need for consistently high academic performance from grade 9 to current. My son kind of bombed his first two years (3.2-3.3) but was able to pull his gpa up in junior year to a cumulative 3.7 at the time of his application (now 3.81) by taking acing four AP courses and all his other courses. I had hoped that the language in the rules that mentioned maintaining a consistently high gpa wouldn’t rule him out given that he attained a decent gpa, and did well on PSAT and then confirming scores (SAT 1520). No luck! It was worth a shot, though.

Sorry to hear that I commend your son for bouncing back like that though.


Sorry he isn’t a finalist, but I think he sounds great! Bouncing back like that is fantastic and will get him far.


Based on other threads about rejection letters from years past we know they’re typically sent out around the 9th, and most arrive by the 15th. We know this year the letters were dated Jan 12th, so If I had to guess I would say the letters should have arrived around the 18th, which is in line with what those who have unfortunately recieved letters are saying. Covid is really good at messing shipping times up though, so I’d be extra cautious this year. I’d say if you haven’t heard anything by the 21st, then you’re like 90% safe.

here’s a link to the thread I’m refrencing

Personally, as someone sitting on a 3.78 weighted GPA and one semester C, I will be refreshing USPS informed delivery constantly for the next few days.

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It’s the 20th. Still no letter over here. It might be safe to assume you qualified if you haven’t gotten a letter by now. What do you think?

I’ve only seen reports of people getting them on the 18th, they’ve all been dated the 12th though, so we know when they were sent for sure. I wouldn’t start celebrating if you haven’t gotten one by the end of today, but it seems like most people have gotten them already.

When I called yesterday, they said the vast majority of the letters were sent out, but not all. So, not exactly the comforting “They all went out on the 12th” that I wanted to hear from them!

Same. I called a few days before you called, and they told me the same thing. I would be much more confident if they said all the letters were sent out. I’m afraid I might be part of the group that hasn’t been sent yet.

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It’s funny how much more nerve-wracking it gets as the date gets closer!! So much riding on that letter!

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It’s the 21st. Still no letter. Feeling cautiously optimistic. If you do receive a letter, please inform this thread if you don’t mind so we can get an idea of the timing and such. Thanks


Sorry to hear about that. I’m sure he’ll do great without it. Just a question, did your son’s school also receive the letter?

Anyone hear any news yet?

Nothing here in the midwest. It’s the 22nd. As stated above, cautiously optimistic.
Hugs to those that have heard the undesirable outcomes.
Semi-finalist status is an amazing accomplishment. Everyone here has some amazing stats.

Best to you all.


On February 7, 2022, NMSC will mail a Certificate of Merit for each Finalist to the Finalist’s high school principal.

On February 14, 2022, NMSC will mail a letter to each Finalist at their home address.


Yeah I know I was referring to rejection letters

Does anyone have new news? Should they all be received by now?

I haven’t gotten anything yet. I’m pretty sure a good amount of letters should’ve been sent/ received by now, but it’s probably still possible to get one. 2 weeks from today, the finalist letters will be sent to schools.


The previous “Just got mine -” response to your “ Has anyone else received the rejection letter?” question would seem to indicate that yes, someone has received a rejection letter.

If you haven’t received a letter by now, I’d feel pretty confident that you made it to Finalist :tada:


Yeah that’s probably safe to say. Still no letter over here. Feeling good