When do National Merit Finalist rejection letters come out?


Our “school” (homeschool) received the NMSC letter with the list of NMF students today. Your school will hopefully notify you either today or early next week.

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No word in Florida

We are homeshcool as well. We are in Florida and haven’t received anything this week. What state are you in? Maybe the mail went out in different batches.


New York. Hopefully, yours will show up soon too.


Thanks for the info!
We are assuming that since the school didn’t receive a rejection and we didn’t receive a rejection at home that she made it but it will be nice to have the official notice……finally! Benacquisto makes it a bigger deal for us.

We just got it from principal, California.


Us as well as UF is our son’s first choice.


My friend and I are the only two SFs at our school. I’m planning on UTD, so I just need to know if I get their NMF package. She’s not going anywhere like that, but she was deferred from Stanford and said it would be nice to update them before their (Tuesday, I believe) deadline. So hopefully our principal lets us know!!!


Can anyone advise as to what the situation is with schools being notified? Do only schools offering NMS scholarships get the list? Or do most major accredited institutions get the list? I am wondering specifically about whether it’s likely that schools in the CalState system get a full list, since their application didn’t allow for reporting NMS semifinalist status. It would be great for my student if the CalState schools get informed about who is a semifinalist/finalist separately.

My counselor informed me today that I advanced as a finalist. I’ve pretty much been anticipating this for the past year as I have a C on my transcript. Im very happy, and I appreciate you all for the well wishes. Hope everyone else in here also advances!


Congrats @SonofGod1!!! :clap:t2::clap:t2:So happy for you!!! :partying_face:

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S22 notified of finalist status by email from school today.


Thanks a lot

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As predicted, D22 was notified of her finalist status today — one day AFTER she had to turn in her scholarship application. :expressionless:

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Congratulations! No news in southern Florida yet, at school or at home.

In the Dallas area, and no notification yet from school. Hoping tomorrow since they are out Friday and Monday, and we’re visiting a university on Tuesday.

Homeschoolers in Texas. We received the principal letters on Monday, Feb 14th. They were postmarked the 7th. I was surprised at how long it took. The semifinalist letters only took 4 days.


Yes. As of this afternoon our high school had not received anything. It’s a bit of extra torture being the last to hear, kind of makes you nervous that it’s not coming.

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They just arrived at our West Coast high school this morning. You would think in this day and age they could have emailed the notification.