When do National Merit Finalist rejection letters come out?

I’m sure it is so nerve-wracking! But if your child didn’t get a rejection letter in January, you should be fine! 94% of semifinalists become finalists, and everyone I have heard of not moving to finalist had a reason or just didn’t submit the application.


Agreed! I was also surprised that there’s nothing in their NMS portal. My son’s school did finally get the notification late last week, but it would be nice not to have to hover near the mailbox waiting for the official letter to arrive.


West coast Florida or US? We are in Florida. It is crazy that there is no email notification.

I know, you’re right, but I’m still nervous😂. It’s a full ride in Florida, I don’t want to depend on it until I see it in writing.


I totally understand! I have twins who applied mostly to NMF full ride schools, so we were super nervous before it arrived! We actually went to tour Florida schools in May RIGHT before the legislature removed the out of state eligibility for Benacquisto. I hope you find out tomorrow!

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I didn’t even realize this was something to be worrying about - I thought it was more or less just hoops to jump through and if you were willing to jump through them, advancing was a given.
I haven’t seen a rejection letter, but my younger child sometimes brings in the mail and drops it in weird places, so I don’t have a lot of confidence in that, but just looked up UMaine - the one school where my son applied that has a NM-based scholarship - and looks like they’re only asking for SF status, not Finalist.


You are far North and we are far south, possible
We are just going to get notification later due to our location. Sounds like you are already in the clear though, happy for you to have that relief.

Still waiting to hear in Tennessee. School is dismissing early for potential severe weather, so it looks like another day of waiting. :persevere:

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Thanks for the update, it’s nice to know we aren’t the only ones still waiting.

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Finally got confirmation from our school!! I had to bug them to get it though. They said they just got the letter but it was postmarked 2/7/22.


What state? Our school hasn’t received anything yet

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S22 got email from school today about making to finalist, FL


North Carolina and the school said they just received it yesterday!


Informed Delivery is showing a letter from NMSC today :slightly_smiling_face:


Our school still has received nothing. It’s unbelievable that it could take so long😂


Congrats @Meemosa!! Where are you located? Really hoping I see that tomorrow morning in NH!

So no news from the school in NH either? It’s hard to believe it could take this long. Makes you started to worry that something is amiss.

Nothing from the school yet, so I fully expect him to get the letter directly from NMSC before the school notifies him. NMSF notification was slow too, so it not a shock that he hasn’t heard anything from them yet.


We got verbal confirmation of finalist status from my student’s school this week (2/16), but still haven’t gotten the letter at our home address (in Colorado) and haven’t seen the actual certificate of merit that I assume the school received. It’s a little baffling that it could take so long to convey in this day & age. The hovering by the mailbox continues…

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The certificates weren’t included in the school letter and will arrive later this year.

The letters addressed to the students just started arriving. Should be any day now.

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