When do National Merit Finalist rejection letters come out?

Thanks! We’re in the Chicago area. Not that far from Evanston where NMSC is. Not sure if the letters actually get mailed from Evanston

I am starting to think that when they say they mail them on the 7th that they mean they start stuffing the envelopes that day🤣


Thanks, @mathKids. I had interpreted the “… a Certificate of Merit is provided for each Semifinalist who qualifies as a Finalist” associated with the Feb 7th date to mean it all came together. Good to know that’s later in the process.

It got delayed this year
They conveyed that on the website

The certificate I mean

You interpreted it correctly, but there was a delay this year.

Quote from the letter:
Due to an unforeseen delay with our print vendor, a Certificate of Merit for your Finalist will be sent to you later this spring.


This text will be hidden

School counselor finally called NMC and they verbally gave the finalist notification. Apparently they admitted that the mail is arriving very slow and that many states are still waiting.


I think the Pony Express would have been faster. Or scribes on foot carrying scrolls.

For the love of all that is holy, why can’t these be done via electronic portal like everything else?

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So, have all the schools been notified? Our school said they hadn’t heard anything.

If the school hasn’t received anything yet they can contact NMSC. Your kid may be receiving their letter in the mail any day now. Do you have Informed Delivery?

They absolutely have not. Our school hasn’t received anything so they called today. Starting Monday you can call and ask but this week they would only release results to school staff. Since our school hasn’t received a letter I am doubting we will get ours next week. It’s taking forever!

Mail was almost certainly dropped off with the USPS for all schools. Where they sit between the Evanston, IL (iirc) post office and an individual student probably varies. I’m guessing many are in a mail pouch or an Inbox of a school employee.

I agree!

I don’t know what that is…?

The letter is in
Informed delivery


I just saw DD’s in our email scan as well.

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My son’s Finalist letter was received on Feb 18th. We are in suburbs of Chicago (maybe 40 miles from National Merit Corporation) and the envelope had a stamp date of Feb 14th. Our school as usual didn’t inform us. SNAIL MAIL at its best.

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We just received finalist letter for my DD today, she was also notified from her school yesterday. The letter says that A Certificate of Merit will be mailed to her principal for presentation later. We’re in So Cal.


Received in snail mail in SE MI today. Principal received names of finalists on Wednesday but ‘‘can’t disclose’’ until next week.