When do they send out warning/rescindence letters?

<p>Hi! I was wondering when Wellesley typically sends out warning/rescindence letters (I'm scared I might be in that boat?). I'm currently out of the country so I'm scared I won't receive it until I get back...any advice/help?</p>

<p>What made you think you might be in that boat? What happened?</p>

<p>@txhandan I’ve posted a thread about this, but I dropped a course earlier in the semester because I was struggling a lot and some other reasons that “explain” why I had to drop it. My guidance counsellor approved my decision and backed me up (and wrote a reminder about how he approved the decision for the course to be dropped on the last guidance counsellor CA section). I e-mailed Wellesley right away explaining why I did it etc. (and they responded saying that if there are any issues they’ll contact me). I haven’t received any e-mails about it yet, but I’m thinking that they wait until they look at everyone’s transcript? Maybe I’m just being paranoid! :confused: </p>

<p>I would suggest you call the admission office and talk to them about your concern. You can ask whether they need any information or when they will let you know their decision. </p>

<p>Wouldn’t they contact you through email? I wouldn’t worry too much about it!</p>

<p>(BTW I’m out of the country too and it’s such a hassle doing stuff on MyWellesley, etc.)</p>

<p>Wouldn’t they contact you through email? I wouldn’t worry too much about it!</p>

<p>(BTW I’m out of the country too and it’s such a hassle doing stuff on MyWellesley, etc.)</p>

<p>Wouldn’t they contact you through email? I wouldn’t worry too much about it!</p>

<p>(BTW I’m out of the country too and it’s such a hassle doing stuff on MyWellesley, etc!)</p>

<p>Wouldn’t they contact you through email? I wouldn’t worry too much about it!</p>

<p>(BTW I’m out of the country too and it’s such a hassle doing stuff on MyWellesley, etc!)</p>