When do we get Work Study Permit/Job List

<p>In my financial aid package, I received work study. From what I understand, I should get a permit and job list in the mail sometime, but school is coming up soon and I am just worried that mine has been misplaced somewhere. Has anyone received their work study info, or does it typically come kind of late?</p>

<p>Your thread prompted me for a search about it since I, also, have federal work-study. I googled it and it lead me to this site: [Financial</a> Aid - Find and Apply for a Job](<a href=“http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/programs/findandapplyforjob.html]Financial”>http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/programs/findandapplyforjob.html)</p>

<p>Basically you print out a permit from your ISIS - Financial Aid & Disbursement.</p>

<p>i checked like a week ago and most of the jobs i saw were summer B still. need to get on that.</p>

<p>You print it out online, you don’t get it in the mail.
And idk what you mean about job list…if you want to find a job go to jobs.ufl.edu</p>

<p>that is the job list.</p>