When do we send out HS Transcripts for CSU's and UC's ???

<p>I asked a teacher and she told me we send them in after first semester ends and I heard from other people that we send them after second semester. I'm confused.. ;/ If you know when exactly we send our transcripts, please let me know.

<p>For the UCs, you do not submit your transcript until you have been accepted, have submitted your SIR (Statement of Intent to Register) and graduated from high school. However, some campuses do request mid-year grades from some students. If they need your mid-year grades they will contact you and request them - otherwise do not send until this summer, and only to the campus you choose to attend.</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Admissions - The University of California offers one of the broadest ranges of study of any institution of higher learning in the world, all at an affordable price.](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/apply/after_apply/after_transcripts.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/apply/after_apply/after_transcripts.html)</p>

<p>According the the CSU Mentor website, the same procedure is followed for the CSUs: [CSUMentor</a> - Ask an Expert - Frequently Asked Questions](<a href=“Frequently Asked Questions | CSU”>Frequently Asked Questions | CSU)</p>

<p>I saw on another of your posts a few of the CSUs you are applying to, and a very quick search of Northridge’s admissions site shows that they DO want your first semester grades submitted: [Applied</a> to CSUN: First-Time Freshman](<a href=“http://www.csun.edu/anr/appliedftf.html]Applied”>http://www.csun.edu/anr/appliedftf.html) You need to spend some time checking the websites of each of your campuses to answer your questions.</p>