When do you guys work out?

<p><a href=“MissSilvestris”>quote</a>
Yeah but I’d rather get results sometime this century. Sure, you don’t NEED to lift heavy to get results, but I have little patience for junk workouts like unweighted lunges and doing a million tricep curls with a little 2 pound weight. I think those might give mediocre results for someone who was completely out of shape to begin with, but since I’m already athletic, if I don’t seriously pursue something rigorous, I won’t get squat, pun intended. Thanks for the opinion though!


<p>I’m pretty heavily into the weights myself, but don’t knock bodyweight exercise so fast. Try some of these: burpees, jumping lunges, one-legged squats, one-armed pullups, single or multi clap pushups, handstand pushups, rope climbs, standing wheel rollouts, dragon flags, The (horizontal) flag (probably the hardest one here), and that’s just off the top of my head. There’s plenty of ways to work your way up progressively more difficult bodyweight exercises without doing stuff like 100 rep sets. And it’s very handy if you have no or minimal equipment.</p>

<p>During the weekdays: at around 6 or 7pm</p>

<p>Weekends: noonish</p>

<p>I don’t exercise with the goal of obtaining any sort of physical result though. It’s just a great stress reliever.</p>