When does University of Wisconsin - Madison sent notifications?

<p>Hi, I am a high school senior from Pennsylvania. I applied for Freshmen admissions for November 1 deadline. All my application materials were received on November 3. I would like to know when UWM send their admission notifications? I know some people who already got their acceptance letter. UWM is my dream school, so I am really worried. Thanks!</p>

<p>Wisconsin has rolling admissions, but if you meet the 11/1 priority deadline they’ll let you know by the end of January. Rolling admissions doesn’t mean first in, first out. You could hear anytime before 1/31/12. I applied on 10/31 and I haven’t heard yet. A girl from my school who applied in September heard in late October. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of rhyme or reason to the timing of the decisions I’ve read about on these boards.</p>

<p>Those who are very clear admits or denials will hear soonest. The rest need to be compared to each other- a daunting task for admissions in recent years. The caliber of applicants keeps rising and they still need to save room for January applicants.</p>