When is the best time to visit in the fall?

<p>OK, so after discussion, and weighing options and merit aid probabilities from other schools, my son has applied to Alabama. He will apply to other schools he has been considering as well, “just in case they come up with more merit aid than we estimate” and he is able to go to one of them. The one school that he has dreamed about since middle school is a huge financial reach, even with guestimated merit aid. So, I would like to set up a tour to Alabama, early fall, and would like to know when a good time to go would be. That way, if he can get really excited about Alabama, and find that it is a school for him, he can stop worrying about the others and enjoy his senior year. If he decides that he does not like Alabama, he will be that much more motivated to find another school he does like, and we can afford! He would want to learn more about computer science department and CBHC. Any suggestions? Would a summer visit work for Alabama? Or is it pretty empty? The sonner I can get him there, the better. </p>

<p>Thanks so much. I have really appreciated how helpful everyone is on this board.</p>

<p>Wait until regular classes are in session,
you don’t want to start with a poor impression.
Is your son a football fan, what does he like?</p>

<p>^ computers. LOL.</p>

<p>Football is OK to him, he would be more into the social aspect of the football games than the game it’s self. I am concerned about his response to the large crowds on game days. That may be a negative to him. But I am not sure.</p>

<p>Last year kids who applied early enough (and I guess lived relatively nearby?) were offered a free pair of tickets to a football game. If you’re close enough for that, that could be a good weekend to visit. In my experience, the Crimson Men and Women do really great tours, even if you already know literally everything they’re saying, but I hear the University Days are not quite as interesting. Oh, and the weather is probably best in September.</p>

<p>Personally, I would visit when classes are in session and not during a home game. That’s an additional 100K people.</p>

<p>Get your tour set up like M2CK said in another thread.</p>

<p>When does your child’s classes start in high school? Bama starts classes on Aug.24. Maybe you have time before your child’s classes start.</p>

<p>If you need to come in the summer, perhaps someone could point out a “best case” time to tour.</p>

<p>For my D, this whole thing was a process. We visited the day before Thanksgiving her junior year. It was cold and deserted. I had fun. Bama is a beautiful place. The tour guy was just as sweet and “southern” as you would wish him to be. Great tour. So you can visit when the place is empty of regular students. It just isn’t the best choice. </p>

<p>We ultimately visited a total of 4 times. I met M2CK at Nott Hall that busy Friday before Capstone Scholar’s Day. She is super nice in person too!</p>

<p>October is a great time to visit. Weather is great and the campus is beautiful with the leaves changing. I wouldn’t recommend his first visit be a football weekend. Campus and town are way too crowded and he won’t be able to see everything he’ll want to see. </p>

<p>We have road games Oct 1st and Oct 15th and a bye week on the 30th. If those don’t fit your schedule then the weekend of Nov 12th is also an option. Any of those weekends would be great for him to see UA.</p>

<p>Fall break at UA is October 28th & 29th so the campus will be empty then…</p>

<p>Do NOT visit on a home game weekend.</p>

<p>I don’t think any tours will be going on…</p>

<p>And, you won’t be able to get a hotel.</p>

<p>It’s just too busy on campus on a home game weekend.</p>

<p>**Fall break at UA is October 28th & 29th so the campus will be empty then…

<p>I don’t think that would be a good time to come if the goal is to meet with profs, get the personalized tour, etc. The school is closed then.</p>