I want to go into engineering, and I’ve heard it’s very important to take AP chem when thinking about engineering. I took honors bio and honors chem last year, and I would be taking AP chem this year, but people scared me out of it. I’ll be taking physics honors instead.
So should I take chem my junior year, alongside AP Physics C? Or during senior year? I feel like I’ll forget a lot of chemistry by then though…
Another option I could have is to take a dual enrollment chemistry course junior/senior year. These would probably be easier than AP chem but I wouldn’t get credit for these at some colleges.
It’s possible for me to add it to my schedule this year for sophomore year, but it would require me to drop either chorus or a computer engineering elective that I really want to take. I don’t know if I want to do that.
So what do you all think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
It really does not matter when you take it. You get no bonus points from colleges for taking it before senior year. Personally, I’d get physics Honors out of the way first. I’m not a big fan of doubling up on AP sciences before senior year, but there is something to be said about taking it before you’ve forgotten too much of your first chemistry course. Come back in the Spring and ask if you should take AP Chem and Physics C concurrently, after you’ve had a feel for your sop workload.
@skieurope Thanks for your response, I’m not trying to get bonus points or anything, I’m just trying to figure out when would be the best time for me to take it. Do you think I should try to take it this upcoming year? The only reason I want to do this is so I don’t forget stuff. Senior year seems really late, and I bet I won’t remember anything by then. Also I understand your point about doubling up on AP sciences… Not sure if I’ll be able to handle that.
Any other opinions? They’d be greatly appreciated!
I think junior year would be the best time to take it… You don’t want to forget the stuff you learned in honors chem. Some students can handle 2 AP sciences concurrently, others can’t, so you need to know how you handle heavy workloads before making a decision.
Well it looks like my problem is going to be solved… My GC just emailed me telling me that physics is only being offered to juniors and seniors this year
Looks like I’m gonna take chem this year.
My advice would have been to take AP chemistry since you took honors chemistry last year, honors physics junior year, and AP physics C senior year.
It turns out it’s likely what your high school decided for you already!