When should I take the SAT? I heard march has an awwful curve...

<p>Not to gloat, i hate people who boast lol, but I do pretty well in school. ALl honors and AP classes and around a 96 avg. However, on my psat i did terribly- like 174 or something. My dream is for an ivy which i know will not be willing to have me with those scores. I'm going to try to study, as fun as that sounds, but am not sure when to take this test. They don't offer it in April and i have 3 Ap's in march so im not taking it then. In june im taking the SAT II in history and maybe another subject well ( if not the next subj in sept bc I need to total 3 and im not satisfied with the one grade i have already). I was thinking I could take it in my senior year too sept, oct, and nov but should i take march too and maybe june?</p>

<p>I really want to do well- is it possible to increase that much? thanks
and now with score choice, do even the ivys see all your scores?</p>

<p>Colleges/universities can opt out of score choice; unfortunately, a number of them have already done so…</p>

<p>I’m going to guess you meant May in the 4th line of your post, and say that there’s nothing wrong with taking it once in October. A friend of mine did, and got in ED Yale. If you study diligently over the summer, that might actually be better, as you’ll be well-prepared and what not. Taking the SAT2s after the AP tests is definitely a good idea, so I would keep June, and perhaps even May free for subject-related tests.</p>

<p>No curve is bad on a specific month… its just a rumor spread by disgruntled low scorers looking to justify their bad scores… There’s just bad curves, on different dates…</p>

<p>I did mean may- thanks!
also, is the sat offered in september, october and november?
I really wanted to have the oppurtunity to take it more than once-- so possibly october, but november would probably be late for applications… if there isn’t one sept when else?? thanks!</p>

<p>** and summer to study is a good idea</p>

<p>[SAT</a> Dates - SAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>Although many of these dates were for 2008, the SAT usually has its tests the same months every year. Unfortunately, there are no tests offered over the summer. It sucks, but that’s just the way it is.</p>

<p>Hope this helped</p>