When to IGETC?

<p>When should I get IGETC certified if I want to transfer for Fall 09? Also, can I still get TAP/TAG for LA and CAL if I havent done it yet? I ask because for SD the TAG program is basically open until UC app submission. Thanks!</p>

<p>btw, my counselors are terrible and don't really know much so I ask you guys!</p>

<p>I’ve been told by counselors that you should apply for IGETC certification early in the Spring semester. As far as TAP/TAG you’re going to need someone else to answer that question.</p>

<p>I had IGETC certified at the same time I walked into the office at my CC and asked for them to send my transcripts to Cal. In fact, the request for transcripts and request for IGETC certification was all on the same paper. So to answer your question about when to do it…it is after you are accepted to a UC and tell them you will be attending. I’m pretty sure the website of the UC you choose will explain when to do all of this (obviously it will be after decisions are sent out).</p>

<p>As for TAP, I’m pretty sure it’s too late to do it, but you should ask the people who actually handle TAP at your school. If it’s your counselors, ask a different one or ask for one that handles the TAP program, etc.</p>

<p>i dont know about ucla’s TAP, but its waaay to late for Cal</p>