When to send transcripts?

<p>When should I send my transcripts to UA and UAH? I took my official transcript request form to my HS registrar, who told me most colleges need/want my term 1 grades, but I see people on CC saying they sent their transcripts this month. Should I send my transcripts now or wait until the end of this quarter (mid-October)? I have these two colleges plus LA Tech waiting on transcripts, and I don’t know if I should hold off on sending. Any input would be greatly appreciated :)</p>

<p>Don’t wait til the quarter ends, not needed. Besides, most schools do not put quarter grades on transcripts anyway.</p>

<p>Okay thanks for the advice. Will make sure I go to the school registrar tomorrow to get them sent :)</p>

<p>UA uses your transcript through Junior year grading only. So this is why people are sending them off now (while not yet completed any Senior courses).</p>