When to take SATs/SAT IIs/ACT and which ones?

<p>So, I'm trying to figure out my schedule for SATs, SAT IIs and possibly ACTs??</p>

<p>I recently realized that many people from my school are taking the SATs in March. However, I don't think I'm prepared to take them then. I do have a week of winter break in February but I still am not sure if this is enough time to prepare. Therefore, I was thinking of taking the SATs in May. Only conflict there is that I also have AP exams (but only US History and English). From there, I would take the SAT IIs in June - I was thinking two in June... probably US History and Math. </p>

<p>(Side question for SAT IIs: How many do people usually take? 2 or 3? And what are your thoughts on US History/Math I and II/Literature/Bio)</p>

<p>If it's recommended to take 3 SAT IIs, then I would take the third SAT II in either October or November. Then, If I need to retake the SATs, I would do that in either October or November (depending on when I take my third SAT II, if necessary). </p>

<p>Should I just study A LOT and go for the March or just go with the plan I have?</p>

<p>Oh, and for ACTs: should I take them?? I might be able to take them in April...I think there is a testing date then. </p>


<p>I wouldn’t take it in March. Give yourself a little more time. That said, you should start “studying a lot” now anyway. GL!</p>

<p>I would just take the SATIIs in May. Since you’ll already be studying for AP exams, which I think is a good overprep for SATIIs, you should be ready to do the subject test in history. You really cannot study that much for Lit, so taking it a month earlier is not a big deal either.</p>

<p>Then take the SATI in June. You’ll have the last few weeks of May to prep–AP classes are done, right?</p>

<p>As for the ACT, do one practice test to see whether if you are comfortable with the test format (esp. its English and Science sections). Also, convert your practice ACT scores to SAT scores; if you are scoring in the same range, or higher, then you should seriously consider taking the ACT in addition to the good ol’ SAT.</p>

<p>SAT IIs in May is always a good idea. For your SAT and ACT, just plan them at the times that work for you. I planned my ACT for December, sandwiched between a ballet performance and exam week. That didn’t work out well. Some people like to plan them for the summer, because then they have more time to study, but others find that they hate studying in the summer. Just find the best time for your schedule.</p>